Respeto al medio ambiente

El Ayuntamiento de Elda va a colaborar con la empresa TerraCycle, empresa de reciclaje selectivo que junto con la multinacional Bic han lanzado lo que llaman “Brigadas de reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura”, con el compromiso de avanzar en la mejora medio ambiental. De esta manera, el consistorio va a instalar dos cajas, una en el ecoparque y otra en la concejalía de Medio Ambiente para depositar cualquier bolígrafo, pluma, rotulador, corrector o marcador fluorescente excepto madera.

El Ayuntamiento colabora en una campaña para reciclar instrumentos de escritura

Cualquier bolígrafo, pluma, rotulador, corrector o marcador fluorescente, sin importar la marca o el material, a excepción de la madera, puede ser reciclado.

El Ayuntamiento de Elda va a colaborar con la empresa Terracycle, especializada en el reciclaje selectivo, con el fin de reciclar cualquier tipo de instrumento de escritura, contribuyendo a proteger y conservar el medio ambiente.

Se inicia una campaña de recogida de materiales de escritura para su reciclaje

Los elementos a recoger serán de plástico o de metal: bolígrafos, portaminas, rotuladores, marcadores, reglas, envases de tinta correctora y de pegamentos, etc que estén gastados o deteriorados y no se vayan a utilizar más. El objetivo es evitar que estos materiales vayan al vertedero y se pueda reciclar para fabricar otros productos con ellos. La recogida está patrocinada por una marca de productos de escritura pero en los contenedores se pueden depositar de cualquier marca.

Hjelp miljøet litt

Fikk en mail her om dagen fra Ter­raCy­cle, et gra­tis nylan­sert miljø­i­ni­tia­tiv i Norge som foku­se­rer på gjen­vin­nin­gen av dagens ikke-resirkulerbare avfall. De har nett­opp blitt sam­ar­beids­part­ner med Tas­simo (kaffe­ma­skin­mer­ket jeg har). Tas­simo bru­ker disse små kaps­lene du put­ter i maski­nen, så leser den av hvor­dan den skal lage drik­ken. Disse er altså ikke resir­ku­ler­bare. ” Dette vil si at i ste­det for å kaste folie­em­bal­la­sjen og kaps­lene i søpla kan du fak­tisk sende disse inn til oss. I gjen­gjeld mot­tar du 10 øre for hver avfalls­en­het som sen­des inn, som kan inn­lø­ses til pen­ge­do­na­sjo­ner til din favo­ritt vel­de­dig­hets­or­ga­ni­sa­sjon eller skole, sam­ti­dig som du spa­rer mil­jøet ved å for­hindre at flere kilo med kaps­ler og embal­la­sje ender opp på søp­pel­fyl­lin­gen eller blir for­brent. ”

Hjelp miljøet litt

Hei. Fikk en mail her om dagen fra TerraCycle, et gratis nylansert miljøinitiativ i Norge som fokuserer på gjenvinningen av dagens ikke-resirkulerbare avfall. De har nettopp blitt samarbeidspartner med Tassimo (kaffemaskinmerket jeg har). Tassimo bruker disse små kapslene du putter i maskinen, så leser den av hvordan den skal lage drikken. Disse er altså ikke resirkulerbare. " Dette vil si at i stedet for å kaste folieemballasjen og kapslene i søpla kan du faktisk sende disse inn til oss. I gjengjeld mottar du 10 øre for hver avfallsenhet som sendes inn, som kan innløses til pengedonasjoner til din favoritt veldedighetsorganisasjon eller skole, samtidig som du sparer miljøet ved å forhindre at flere kilo med kapsler og emballasje ender opp på søppelfyllingen eller blir forbrent. " (Utdrag fra mailen) Det de gjør med det som blir sendt inn er å lage nye ting av det! Se bildet nederst i innlegget. Hvis du har en tassimomaskin og syns dette høres fornuftig ut gjør du følgende: Registrerer deg på www.terracycle.no Samle mellom 100-1000 kapsler/emballasje individuelt?eller enda bedre, i et team. Send det inn til terracycle! Du må ikke betale for å sende pakken, du laster ned en forhåndsbetalt fraktseddel fra TerraCycles nettside. Det var det! Jeg har i allefall begynt å spare opp kapsler.

Affordable Investments: Owned Media and Partnerships

Social media is popular for various reasons including the fact that it’s easy to reach people and that it’s free. Media such as advertising and marketing often is not free, so for many companies it is hard, if not impossible, to find room in the budget. For companies who don’t mind taking a leap of faith, there’s another option, one that TerraCycle relies heavily upon: owned media. I say “leap of faith” because sometimes you have to shell out some cash to create the owned media, and then be patient and wait for the fruit of your efforts to materialize. Here at TerraCycle, we just started a bi-weekly podcast that documents eco-tips, eco-news, and features interviews with key players from our partners such as Elmer’s, Dropps, and Garnier as well as leading voices from the sustainable industry.

Angie’s Kettle Corn Valentine’s Snack Pack: What’s Not to Love?

All-natural treat makes classroom parties sweet I hate to admit it, but I still have candies from last Valentine ’s Day. Having 3 children and 18 students, we were way overstocked after this especially sweet holiday. And then came Halloween and Christmas and that basket that usually has only a few pieces in it is overflowing now. I am not a big fan of candy and I certainly don’t feed it to my children. Eating candy is a special treat in our house and it is hard to control the little sugar loving minds when they know it is around (so as far as I know they are unaware of the location of that basket). I also have a son who is highly allergic to dairy, soy, and nuts – pretty much three ingredients that are in most common candies. You know, the feeling of grabbing a piece of candy out of your child’s hand to possibly save his life … hmm, not a good one. Needless to say, I am very happy to find a healthy and safe alternative to the Valentine sugar rush that will please all three of my children and their little Valentines. Angie’s Kettle Corn Valentine’s Snack Packs are a sweetheart of an all-natural treat, packaged in portable and convenient packs for classmate and friend treat exchange.

The Write Path to a Healthier World

The pen is a marvellous invention, but when it has done its job it still ends up in the garbage. One more non-recyclable item journeys to the landfill. In the US, 1.6 billion meet that fate each year. Recycling pens poses big problems. Even though a good portion of a pen is plastic, it is usually several different kinds of plastic, usually contaminated with a bit of metal or an ink core or some other materials.

Winton Woods Elementary Recycling Club “Upcycles” Juice Bags

Fourth grade students at Winton Woods Elementary School are helping the environment through the school’s Recycling Club. In addition to recycling cans and paper throughout the building, students recently took on the sticky job of bundling recycled juice bags to send to Terracycle, a company whose goal is to make the non-recyclable recyclable. The juice bags will be “upcycled” into school products like pencil bags, totes and backpacks. The school receives 20 cents for every bundle of 10 bags, and a recent bundling session earned $34 for the school.