Turn old peripherals into a park bench with TerraCycle

We often hear about technology recycling places to turn in old computer systems and monitors so that they don’t wind up in landfills. But what about all the peripherals that go along with them, like keyboards and mice and web cameras? That’s the focus of the TerraCycle Keyboard and Mouse Brigade. The program is sponsored by Logitech (which I am sure would love it if you bought new keyboards and other peripherals while you are ditching the old ones). The language on the program page is aimed at schools, but the initiative is also applicable for charities or other organizations trying to get rid of a bunch of peripherals in a responsible manner.


Gemeinsam mit dem Verwertungsunternehmen Terracycle startet Capri-Sonne Bio-Schorly die erste Rückgabeak-tion für gebrauchte Trinkpacks in Deutschland. Die gemeinsame Aktion des globalen Recyclinganbieters und der Kindergetränkemarke soll zudem noch eine soziale Komponente aufweisen: Capri-Sonne mit der Marke Bio Schorly und Terracycle spenden für jeden eingesandten Trinkpack zwei Cent an eine gemeinnützige Organisation. Mitmachen bei der laufenden Aktion können alle Bildungseinrichtungen wie Schulen oder Kindergärten – die Teilnehmer sammeln gebrauchte Trinkpacks in einem Karton und schicken diesen, wenn er voll ist, kostenfrei an Terracycle. Wenngleich die Aktion von Capri-Sonne Bio Schorly gesponsert wird, können dennoch auch andere, folienbasierte Trinkpacks eingeschickt werden, informiert Terracycle.

Terracycle und BIC rufen zur "Green Office Aktion 2012" auf

Donnerstag, den 28. Juni 2012 um 12:04 Uhr Stifte finden in jedem Unternehmen täglich Anwendung, doch einmal leer, werden sie ohne weiteren materiellen Nutzen weggeworfen. Deutschlands erstes Sammel- und Recyclingprogramm für leere Schreibwaren bietet hierfür jetzt eine Lösung. Unternehmen können leere, defekte Stifte und Korrekturmittel aller Marken kostenlos zum Recyceln einschicken und erhalten zusätzlich zwei Cent als Spendenbeitrag für eine gemeinnützige Organisation ihrer Wahl gutgeschrieben. Das Programm wurde von dem Schreibwarenhersteller BIC und dem Upcycling- und Recycling-Unternehmen TerraCycle initiiert. Unternehmen können mit einer Teilnahme am Programm soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit demonstrieren und das Thema Recycling ganz einfach in den Arbeitsalltag einbauen. Am 18. Juni startete die „Green Office Aktion 2012“, bei dem das Unternehmen oder Büro ausgezeichnet wird, das bis zum 14. September die meisten leeren, defekten Stifte und Korrekturmittel zum Recyceln einsendet. Der Gewinner erhält  einen Bürovorrat an Vier-Farb-Druckkugelschreibern „4 Colours“ aus der umweltfreundlichen Produktreihe von BIC mit dem Firmenlogo des Gewinnerunternehmens bedruckt.

Break the habit: national recycling for cigarette waste, Turning butts into plastic pallets

EMC news - A world leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste, ranging from food and beverage packaging to hospital waste, TerraCycle takes its goal of outsmarting waste one step further with another environmental breakthrough: the launch of a free program to collect and recycle cigarette waste in Canada. The Cigarette Waste Brigade program will divert used cigarette butts from landfills, along with cigarette foil and plastic packaging waste. Cigarette filters were the number one item recovered during the annual Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup in 2011, with 351,238 collected. Contrary to popular belief, cigarette butts are non-biodegradable and do not break down quickly. This program will make this pervasive waste easily recyclable for the first time.

Natural Beauty Products Delivered to Your Door, Recycling Included

Goodebox, the service that delivers a monthly surprise bag of all-natural beauty products to your door, has launched an innovative recycling program that works to benefit the awesome watchdog workhorse, Environmental Working Group (EWG). Goodebox selects products that are thoroughly evaluated, from mission-based brands that are committed to using the best, non-toxic ingredients. Each month members receive a minimum of six products for $16, as well as coupons and other special offers. It’s such a great idea, until it comes to all the packaging -- lots of wee little bottles and such. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, thirty percent of landfill waste is from packaging. So to reduce the amount of packaging waste cluttering landfills, Goodebox has joined TerraCycle’s Personal Care and Beauty Brigade. This innovative recycling program works to tackle waste from hair care, skin care and cosmetic packaging. All non-recyclable beauty product packaging that can't be traditionally recycled can be sent to TerraCycle, free of charge, to be made into new products.

Creating Next Life Solutions Conference

PAC – The Packaging Association is hosting its next great PAC conference – Creating Next Life Solutions: A World Without Packaging Waste in Ottawa between September 28-30, 2012. The conference is a call to action for North American packaging leaders to advance A World Without Packaging Waste. For organizations involved in all aspects of the life cycle of packaging, PAC is calling this THE MUST ATTEND conference of the year. The conference will examine a plethora of aspects of packaging life cycles including: Creators of Next Life Packaging Solutions • Waste, what waste? Tom Szaky of TerraCycle demonstrates how to outsmart waste; • Recyclebank rewards you for your waste; • Plasco converts municipal solid waste into an energy-rich fuel.

Nu tager vi imod kasserede kuglepenne

Nu tager Mljø- og EnergiCentret imod brugte kuglepenne,  der ikke længere kan skrive. I vores konstante jagt på at undgå affald er de stødt på miljøvirksomheden Terracycle. Det er en nystartet virksomhed der påtager sig at sikre genanvendelse af ting, der ellers ville være dømt til forbrænding.Foreløbig har de i Danmark slået sig på to produktgrupper: skriveredskaber og  tassimo-plast.  I MEC holder vi os foreløbig til skriveredskaberne, da de er bedst beskrevet.

Green ATF TACTs with TerraCycle

The TACT is the single most important decision in persuasion. Who does What Where and When (Target Action Context Time) drives everything. Please consider this strange combination of a Green business making TACTs with Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms! Read the entire article, but consider here just this description of recycling cigarette butts. Our intention is to require as little change as possible in the habits of today’s smokers. That means that if you are at a bar or your home you would keep using your regular ash trays. The only change would be that the trays would be emptied into a plastic sandwich bag. That bag would then be placed in a box (like a shoebox or whatever you may have lying around). When it’s full, you would download a free shipping label from our Web site and send the box to TerraCycle to be recycled. We’re also going to offer a $1 donation to your favorite charity for every 1,000 butts collected. We have also thought about making a pocket version that would be a small envelope (with aluminum inside for fire safety) with a preprinted mailing label on it. The idea would be that you could put your smoked butts in it on the go. When it’s full, you could simply drop it in the mail.

TerraCycle comes to FAS!

I speak for many of our eco citizens and dedicated environmentalist when I say that it pains me to throw anything away, but unfortunately, there are just some things that just can’t be recycled. Chip bags, candy wrappers, tape dispensers and used pens all have to go into the trash… or normally would… Thanks to the company TerraCycle, hard-to-recycle items like those listed above are not trashed, but are actually recycled, or even upcycled. TerraCycle partners with the companies that produce these items, and works with them to create an environmentally friendlier end of life- which means that for many of them, they are turned into something completely new-for example, pens and sharpies are turned into dry erase marker holders, and cookie wrappers are turned into backpacks. Awesome, right? Wait- it gets better.