Schon in den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat der Stadtschülerrat Umfragen an Schulen (zum Beispiel zum Thema „Schülerrechte“ oder „Beteiligung“) durchgeführt, verschiedene Projekte wie „Terracycle“ (eine Stiftesammelaktion, um aktives Recycling zu betreiben und das Geld für soziale Einrichtungen zu spenden) und „Pfand gehört daneben“ (eine Kampagne für bewussteren Umgang mit Pfandgeld) unterstützt. Auch eine Arbeitsstelle am Museumsberg wurde durch die Einmischung des SSR durch eine Stellungnahme im Rathaus gerettet.
En janvier 2012, une brigade TerraCycle a été créée par l'amicale laïque, en partenariat avec l'équipe enseignante du groupe scolaire Pierre-Perret. Il s'agit de collecter les instruments d'écriture usagés qui sont ensuite rachetés par l'entreprise TerraCycle. C'est l'occasion de développer les gestes écocitoyens en sensibilisant les enfants au recyclage.
Clean Up Australia Day chairman Ian Kiernan said a three per cent drop in litter found by an estimated 800,000 volunteers around the country showed Australians were being more mindful of the environment all year round.
Waste isn’t always the sexiest topic.
When I tell people about the green business that I run and what we do, for some it’s a topic they would prefer to avoid thinking about. Once something is placed in the rubbish – it’s out of sight out of mind. But our waste ends up somewhere, whether it is at the local tip or in our oceans.
We all try to do our part. If nothing else, most people will throw their recyclables into those yellow-lidded bins. But what do you do with non-recyclables?
American start-up
TerraCycle have saved 2.6 billion pieces of waste through their upcycling process which turns hard to recycle waste into new products. Founder and CEO
Tom Szaky spoke with Tim Higgins about TerraCycle's unique brand of upcycling, which has now started up in Australia.
Cigarette butts collected as part of Clean Up Australia day will be able to be recycled for the first time.
Thousands of Australians will help clean up the nation today, and every location taking part in the event will receive a satchel for the butts.
The butts - the second most littered item in Australia - will then be turned into more sustainable materials.
Anna Minns, the general manager of waste collection program TerraCycle, says Australia is the eighth country to see the introduction of the new process.
Legelső blogbejegyzésemben ígértem, hogy megosztom a TerraCycle globálissá válásának tapasztalatait. Jelen írás célja, hogy bemutassam cégem sikeres növekedésének történetét, annak nehézségeivel együtt.
Incase you missed it, here's TerraCycle on the Today Show "Recycling Revolution" for our recent launch in Australia. Share this with friends and encourage them to join a brigade today!
Eco entrepreneur Tom Szaky believes some of the profits reported by the corporate world are absurd. His own company,
TerraCycle, has given $20 million to charities over ten years and each year processes 50 million kilograms of waste. This year the company, with 120 staff, will bring in $25 million or more but will only keep 1% as profit.