Depuis le printemps 2012, le conseil municipal juniors s'est lancé dans la collecte des vieux instruments
d'écritures, opération soutenue par Terracycle et Bic.
TerraCycle has been called the “Google of garbage” by the New York Times and “the coolest little start-up in America” by Inc. Magazine. We think these are pretty shrewd comparisons, considering the current in-demand job for change makers is in technology start-ups. TerraCycle, on the other hand, is a company that deals with waste.
Nobody would have believed TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky when he said everything could be recovered at a profit - until he proved it.
As remarkable as it is crazy, Szaky has tackled complex and formerly valueless materials - such as chip packets, drink pouches and cigarette butts - and turned them into bestselling products stocked at major retailers like Walmart. Now he has brought his remarkable business model to Australia - but the TerraCycle story starts on the other side of the world.
A US business launching an expansion into Australia this week is tackling the recycling of some of the nation’s most pernicious items of consumer waste, while at the same time generating some of its funds for community organisations and schools.
Børnehaven Galaksen tænker på miljøet. De indsamler nemlig brugte mælke- og yoghurtlåg gennem indsamlingsprogrammet Brug Låget!, som TerraCycle kører i samarbejde med Arla Harmonie.
Læs om børnehaven Galaksen som deltager i TerraCycles indsamlingsprogram Brug Låget! De har siden august indsamlet 8532 mælke- og yoghurtlåg. De penge de får optjent gennem indsamlingsprogrammet skal gå til Danmarks Naturfredningsforening.