Recycle your butt

You may have already heard in the news today that there is a new recycling scheme for cigarettes butt what does that have to do with water? In short, a lot! Cigarette’s are by far the most common form of litter in Australia, making up for 11% of the rubbish that was picked up during Clean Up Australia Day in 2013. In the ACT alone, the amount of cigarette butts collected was 13% more than the previous year. This is a growing problem!

Australia Post offers smokers a chance to recycle their butts

SMOKERS can now send dirty ashtray contents through the mail in a recycling deal struck with Australia Post. Households, restaurants, other businesses and community groups are being urged to stash butts, ash, inner foils and outer packaging in secured plastic bags or containers before dispatching sealed boxes to a recycling specialist free of charge.

Corp partners with TerraCycle to ‘upcycle’

TerraCycle is a New Jersey-based upcycling firm that collects “difficult-to-recycle packaging and products” from organizations like schools and repurposes the waste into new sellable products, according to its website. The Georgetown University Student Association Senate passed a bill establishing a Georgetown TerraCycle collection program.

School lunches are gold mines for recycling, reusing and replenishing

This year, as Earth Day approaches April 22, schools can organize aluminum can drives and participate in cash-for-schools programs based on recycling lunch packaging. One such program is The Recycle...Reuse...Replenish Earth Day Campaign which encourages school children to recycle their Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouches with TerraCycle, resulting in cash back to the school.