Cigarette butts collected as part of Clean Up Australia day will be able to be recycled for the first time.
Thousands of Australians will help clean up the nation today, and every location taking part in the event will receive a satchel for the butts.
TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Recycling Program launches nationally on Clean Up Australia Day
Sydney, 2 March 2014 – For the very first time, cigarettes can now be recycled in Australia. An innovative solution developed by TerraCycle will help eliminate cigarette waste, diverting it from litter and landfills and turning it into new sustainable materials.
More than 6,000 Australia Post satchels have been circulated for Clean Up Australia events, allowing volunteers, including businesses and community groups to safely collect cigarette waste on Clean Up Australia Day and send it to TerraCycle to be recycled.
The program will then continue beyond this great event. Any group, workplace or individual over the age of 18 can sign-up to the Cigarette Waste Brigade® and collect cigarette waste at home or work, and send it to TerraCycle at no cost, to have it recycled into industrial products such as plastic shipping pallets and railway sleepers.
For every kilogram of cigarette waste that TerraCycle receives, $2.00 will be donated to the collectors’ nominated charity. The Cigarette Waste Brigade® enables consumers to take responsibility for their cigarette waste.
TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Brigade® programs currently run in eight other countries. Tackling cigarette waste demonstrates TerraCycle’s belief that everything can and should be recycled!
TerraCycle CEO and Founder, Tom Szaky said “TerraCycle takes up a challenge by recycling difficult waste streams that others deem worthless and turns them into new sustainable materials.”
Cigarette butts are not biodegradable and do not break down quickly. The Cigarette Waste Brigade® will make this pervasive waste recyclable for the first time in Australia. Tobacco companies, British American Tobacco, Imperial Tobacco Australia and Philip Morris Ltd, saw this program as one way of addressing the problem of cigarette waste and are providing funding to run the program.
TerraCycle Australia will also collect other difficult to recycle waste streams, working with major brands: Colgate to recycle used toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and other oral care waste, Natures Organics to recycle used cleaning, laundry and beauty packaging waste, and with Nespresso to expand their recycling program for their coffee capsules.
Tom Szaky will also be speaking about TerraCycle recycling programs at community lectures at the University of Sydney (3 March) and Australia Post, Melbourne (5 March).
Para isso, é preciso formar um ‘time’ de coleta de instrumentos de escrita para reciclagem e fazer um cadastro na ‘Brigada de Instrumentos de Escrita Faber-Castell’, no site da TerraCycle ...
Nu veel mensen mij helpen bij het verzamelen van dopjes, durf ik het
volgende project wel aan!
Heeft u ook zoveel balpennen en stiften in huis die u niet gebruikt?
Terracycle recycled balpennen, vulpennen, viltstiften, drukpotloden,
markeerstiften, zowel van plastic als metaal. Dit alles vermalen zij, het ijzer
wordt eruit gehaald. Van het plastic worden nieuwe duurzame producten
gemaakt. Zodra een kartonnen doos vol is, kan ik deze kosteloos opsturen.
De opbrengst is voor onze kerk.
In de hal komt een kartonnen doos te staan waar u uw pennen en dergelijke
in kunt doen. Heeft u vragen, schiet mij maar aan!
Alvast bedankt.
Tonny Kleibergen
Dans le cadre de ses actions "développement durable" pour l'année 2014, le conseil municipal des enfants et des jeunes (CMEJ) de la ville de Saint-Max participe à la Brigade des Instruments d'écriture TerraCycle.
A recycling company is encouraging smokers to collect their used butts so they can be turned into new products.
TerraCycle Australia has joined with Australia Post so people can post their waste - free of charge - from anywhere in Australia.
Spokesperson Anna Minns told 3AW Breakfast they now operate in eight countries.
A representative from Terra Cycle, who partners with Capri Sun, to help recycle Capri Sun pouches, stopped by and helped us make a tote bag. My first experience with making a Capri Sun bag was interesting.
Roos Dedulle startte vorig jaar met het recycleren van balpennen, vulpennen, drukpotloden, rollerpen, kleurstiften, fineliners, markers en correctieproducten (vloeistoffen en tapes) via TerraCycle’s BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade. Zo ontvangt ze een donatie voor elke doos oude schrijfwaren die ze opstuurt.
De oude pennen worden gerecycleerd tot een gieter of prullenbak. Het geld gaat integraal naar een schooltje in Tsangano (Malawi). De schoolkosten van de weeskinderen in dat dorp worden met de donatie betaald. Verschillende organisaties helpen Roos met de inzameling.
Ook in CVOWW staat een roze doos in onze pauzehoek (Stationsstraat 25 te Ieper) om jullie oude pennen, stiften en correctors in te zamelen, ongeacht het merk of materiaal.
Meer info:
La Mairie de Les Forges a créé son équipe de collecte de mégots en novembre 2013. Les mégots collectés dans les cendriers aux alentours de la Mairie (cendriers et boîtes) sont désormais envoyés à TerraCycle au lieu d'être mis dans la poubelle avec les déchets ultimes.