TerraCycle accepts waste that is harder to categorize and items you probably didn’t realize you could recycle, such as old make-up containers, cheese packaging, shampoo bottles, etc. The lists of things you can recycle is quite extensive and really makes a difference in the amount of “trash” you throw away each month.
Chesnut Charter Elementary is starting off the new year by participating in the TerraCycle’s Drink Pouch Brigade. The goal of TerraCycle, an international upcycling and recycling company, is to eliminate the idea of waste by creating collection and solution programs for all kinds of typically non-recyclable waste.
Seks sportsklubber kæmper for et fælles lokale til vandsportsudøvere i Herning Svømmehal. For at indsamle penge deltager de i TerraCycles indsamlingsprogram Brug Låget!.
Terracycle, the local company that “upcycles” conventionally not-recyclable materials into new and useful products (like kites, pencil cases, and speakers), is well known to many Princeton residents, but did you know how easy it is to save commonly used plastics from the landfill (and from finding their way into our water, food, and air) while benefitting local schools?
The center had, for three years, participated in the Candy Wrapper Brigade, a TerraCycle program that provided free waste collection for hard-to-recycle materials. The program also awarded points, redeemable for charitable giving, for each wrapper collected and covered the cost of shipping the wrappers to be recycled.