Posts with term tom szaky X

TerraCycle, P&G partner in a love-hate relationship with trash

Tom Szaky, the Hungarian-born CEO and founder of TerraCycle, dreams of chewing gum, cigarette butts and ocean plastic. His Trenton, New Jersey-based company aims to accelerate the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, a breakthrough in materials science, energy storage and other technologies, by cleaning up after heaps of waste and inventing inputs for items spurned by ordinary recyclers.

Michael Phelps promueve ahorro de agua

Por Redacción. El campeón olímpico lleva su mensaje a 10 millones de niños y adolescentes, a quienes pide cerrar el grifo cuando se lavan los dientes.


How to Waste Not, Want Not with TerraCycle

Since 2001, TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky has been working hard to eliminate the idea of “waste.” The idea behind the company is to figure out how to repurpose waste, especially hard to recycle waste. They have literally repurposed billions of pieces of waste through innovative programs and partnering with conscientious companies, organizations and individuals. In their own words, “TerraCycle offers free recycling programs funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help you collect and recycle your hard-to-recycle waste.”


如果你还不知道这个有技术、有科学、有颜质、有理念、有资本的公司TerraCycle泰瑞环保,猫莎莎快速帮你画个重点先: 以回收再制作为商业模式的环保企业 TerraCycle 泰瑞环保是2001年由80后常春藤名校学霸TomSzaky创办,能进入名校学习,Tom的聪明才智绝不能小觑,但令人赞叹的,是他辍学成立了TerraCycle,为了做对的事情:将垃圾变废为宝,成为可再生利用的原材料。 Tom Szaky最早利用回收汽水瓶装液态蚯蚓粪便,制成园艺肥料,这项产品现在还能在TerraCycle的商店中买到 TerraCycle泰瑞环保公司不仅只是将垃圾回收,他们的科学家和设计师已经研发出可以将材料重新应用的方法 令人开心的是,去年这家厉害的公司已经来到中国了咯! Eco House携手GoZeroWaste、F2N Market为泰瑞环保在北京举办一场线下活动,让大家有机会体验泰瑞环保的回收项目,还可以亲见那些高科技再制品的样品哦!

Michael Phelps Continues To Inspire The Next Generation To Save Water

If embraced by 10 million youth, turning off the faucet could save approximately 80 million gallons of drinkable water each day.
Starting on World Smile Day on October 6, 2017, this youth-focused campaign began engaging kids and teens during Campus Sustainability Month with the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) and TerraCycle. In addition to turning off the faucet while brushing, kids and teens can spread awareness using #EveryDropCounts on social media and by learning more at EveryDropCounts.Colgate.com.

Michael Phelps, Family Man And World Champion Swimmer, Continues Global Ambassadorship With Colgate To Inspire The Next Generation To Save Water

Champion swimmer Michael Phelps and his growing family continue their partnership with Colgate this fall to inspire 10 million kids and teens to turn off the faucet when brushing because #EveryDropCounts. If embraced by 10 million youth, turning off the faucet could save approximately 80 million gallons of drinkable water each day 1.

Michael Phelps, Family Man And World Champion Swimmer, Continues Global Ambassadorship With Colgate To Inspire The Next Generation To Save Water

Champion swimmer Michael Phelps and his growing family continue their partnership with Colgate this fall to inspire 10 million kids and teens to turn off the faucet when brushing because #EveryDropCounts. If embraced by 10 million youth, turning off the faucet could save approximately 80 million gallons of drinkable water each day.