Posts with term TerraCycle X

Holiday Gift Guide 2012- TerraCycle Review & Capri Sun Lunchbox Giveaway

There are tons of companies and individuals trying to capitalize on the recycling trend. Terracycle is taking that trend to another level. They are recycling waste products or upcycling to create new products while reducing the products that would normally just go to a landfill.

Products include traditional garden supplies like a Terra Stone Plant Caddy retailing for $14.99, the Eco-Terra Watering Can for $11.99 and TerraCycle’s trademark All-Purpose Plant Food for $4.99 – $32.00 at major retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, independent garden centers and online. Another classic TerraCycle product line includes school products including backpacks, lunch bags, pencil cases, notebooks, binders and more!

One of our most interesting gifts include foldable, portable and lightweight Eco-Speakers for $19.99, made from upcycled trash to tuneful treasure. Other unique items include tote bags, lunch sacks, toiletry cases and travel pouches made from repurposed USPS mail bags and upcycled tents. All USPS and tent products will be available online at www.uncommongoods.com. Lunch sacks will retail for $37.00, dopp kits for $38.00, and tote bags for $46.00. The Coin Pouch, Tote, and iPad Case will retail from $14.00 – $84.00.
For my review, we received the Capri Sun Rectangular Lunchbox, M&M’s Eco Speakers, and the Upcycled Tent Dopp Kit.

Trenton-based Terracycle takes on cigarette waste

TRENTON — Trenton-based recycler Terracycle is making no butts about it, they’ve got big changes coming their way thanks to a new partnership with a cigarette manufacturer. The recycler announced last week that it has teamed up with Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, makers of Natural American Spirit cigarettes, to launch a program aimed at collecting and recycling cigarette waste. The cigarette waste, according to a release from Terracycle, can be seen littered about in nearly every public place from sidewalks and roadways, to parks and shopping malls. Cigarette waste is a pervasive form of litter that Terracycle, along with the help of its new partnership, has led to the development of a creative solution to make use of discarded cigarette butts. “You don’t have to walk or drive very far to see that smokers often discard cigarette waste in ways that litter the environment,” said Cressida Lozano, the head of sales and marketing for SFNTC in a release. “Our company has been committed to environmental sustainability since we were founded 30 years ago, and we’re proud to be the exclusive sponsor of an innovative program to reduce and recycle cigarette butt litter, regardless of which manufacturer made the cigarettes.” According to the release issued by Terracycle, over 52 million cigarette butts were collected from beaches during the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Day in the past 25 years. Terracycle aims to turn the previously undesirable cigarette butts into items like shipping products, plastic lumber, railroad ties and other industrial items after the waste is converted into plastic pellets. Zakes said that while the plastic pellets are carcinogen and toxin free, Terracycle declined to turn them into consumer products based on the stigma that cigarettes carry. Instead, the company decided that the pellets could be used to make industrial products. One of these products, which the company had on display at its offices were plastic shipping pallets, which Zakes told The Trentonian are more durable than wooden pallets that are prone to breakage. According to Terracycle the cigarette butts are processed in the town of Portland, Pa., which is located in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania. The company said that the paper and remaining tobacco will be composted, while the largely plastic filter medium is melted down and converted into a toxin-free plastic pellet that will eventually be used to create new products, which according to Zakes would have previously called for the use of virgin material, meaning companies would be creating more new plastic. Despite the stigma based around cigarettes, Terracycle ensured that the raw pellets are safe and toxin free by treating them to a round gamma radiation. “People might think that (gamma radiation) is a scary thing,” said Zakes. “But it’s not, it’s the same process used to kill bacteria like salmonella in food.” At the Terracycle lab on New York Avenue, samples of similar pellets were displayed along with products that they could be transformed into. Among the products on display were parking space dividers and plastic sheeting created from a similar pellet material. The shift to creating plastic pellets is what Zakes called a “game-changer” for the company as it allows them to become a supplier to other businesses that will create products from the recycled raw material. Terracycle said the program which they refer to as the Cigarette Waste Brigade, is free to participate in and will help to divert cigarette butts from landfills. Those who wish to participate and are over the age of 21 can sign up on the company’s website at www.Terracycle.com. Once they have signed up and created an account to be a part of the Cigarette Waste Brigade, they can collect butts from ashtrays and ash receptacles, place them into a plastic bag, which also will be recycled, and place the collected waste into a shipping box. After enough waste has been collected participants can sign into their account and print a prepaid UPS shipping label to return their box. Once the box is received, and the contents weighed, participants will earn credits that will be donated to Keep America Beautiful, a nonprofit community action and education organization. According to Terracycle the credits break down to about $1.00 per pound, which equates to about 1000 cigarette butts. “This is one of the most exciting developments in Terracycle’s history,” Szaky says. “As a company committed to recycling waste streams that others deem worthless or unsavory, cigarette waste will help to promote our belief that everything can and should be recycled” In addition to recycling cigarette waste, the company said it is working on transforming other harder-to-recycle items like diapers and chewing gum. With the partnership with Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company has just launched in the United States Cigarette Waste Brigade, the company has also launched the program in Spain, Germany and Canada and said they’re working on further worldwide expansion.

Återvinn använda pennor med TerraCycle

TerraCycles tävling Pennkampen
Nu när höstterminen har satt igång erbjuds lärare och elever att delta i ett unikt, nationellt insamlingsprogram för använda pennor och därmed stödja det lokala miljöarbetet. Skolor, företag, organisationer och kommuner landet runt har redan gått med i detta miljöinitiativ som ser till att pennorna återvinns istället för att förbrännas.
För att uppmuntra skolor och förskolor att samla in sina använda pennor har TerraCycle och BIC lanserat en kul insamlingstävling, ”Pennkampen”, mellan den 24:e september och den 24:e november. Förstapris är en projektor från BIC och TerraCycle-poäng som kan lösas in till pengar för välgörenhet. Läs mer på www.terracycle.se/pennkampen BIC sponsrar insamlingsprogrammet Penn-brigaden, men det går att skicka in alla slags kulspetspennor, filtpennor, stiftpennor, korrigeringspennor, märkpennor och överstrykningspennor gjorda av plast och metall oavsett märke. Pennorna skickas sedan med Posten till återvinningsexperterna TerraCycles anläggning i Göteborg. Penn-brigaden drivs från TerraCycles hemsida, www.terracycle.se, och det är helt gratis att delta tack vare att portot betalas av BIC. För varje inskickad penna betalar TerraCycle 20 poäng som kan lösas in som 20 öre. Pengarna kan antingen användas för lämpliga skolprojekt eller doneras till en valfri välgörenhetsorganisation. Programmet sätter dessutom fokus på aktivt deltagande och hjälper till att medvetandegöra barn och ungdomar om vikten av att hushålla med begränsade resurser. Christine Jansson, TerraCycle Sverige 020-793103, christine.jansson@terracycle.se, www.terracycle.se Pennorna samlas in i klasserna och lämnas på Anders kontor innan den 20:e november för vidare transport till TerraCycles. För att få del av pengarna (20 öre per penna) som vi kommer att skänka till Indien eller Tanzania behöver vi samla in 5 kg pennor. Dvs ca 500 st. Oavsett om vi får ihop så många pennor eller inte är det ju viktigt för miljön att återanvända så mycket vi bara kan.


A través de la alianza que Tang y TerraCycle llevan adelante hace más de un año, se recolectaron 2.500.000 de sobres de bebidas en polvo que no irán a los rellenos sanitarios como basura sino que se reciclarán en nuevos productos. La iniciativa que Tang, de Mondelēz Internacional, comenzó a principios de 2011, y no ha parado de crecer. Solo en los últimos 6 meses, los 1.700 Equipos que forman las Brigadas Tang, llegaron a juntar el doble de lo recolectado durante el primer año del programa, alcanzando los 2.5 millones de sobres. Familias, escuelas, ONGs y empresas juntan los sobrecitos que ya utilizaron y los envían gratis a TerraCycle para que se transformen en nuevos productos, dándole al material ya usado, una nueva vida. Las Brigadas Tang de TerraCycle, que tienen alcance nacional, no sólo proponen la participación de los consumidores en un programa medioambiental sino que también incluyen un incentivo para toda la comunidad. Tang y TerraCycle donan 10 centavos a la organización social o escuela pública que el Equipo participante elija. En 1 año y medio, se donaron más de $250.000 a distintas instituciones públicas alrededor de todo el país.¡ Así, Santiago Porporato, un joven de 15 años, que lidera una Brigada Tang en Sunchales, provincia de Santa Fe, logró, en 1 año de participación en el programa, recolectar 50.000 sobres para reciclar, y donar $5.000 al Jardín San Carlos, de esa ciudad. “Cada vez que veo la cantidad de sobres que voy a enviar me pongo muy contento porque está toda la ciudad comprometida con este proyecto. El dinero recolectado se utilizó para comprar sillas que se necesitaban y para colocar el piso de la institución, que hasta el momento no tenía,” cuenta Santiago. Las Brigadas Tang de TerraCycle, continuarán durante todo el 2012. Para registrarse, y sumarse al programa medioambiental de Tang, visitar www.terracycle.com.ar o www.clubtang.com.ar o llamar al 0800 666 1194.

5 Gifts for Eco-lovers

When shopping for the “green” friend or loved one, it’s important to remember their ultimate concern is reducing waste. However, that is no excuse to not buy a gift. Instead, give a high quality gift they are guaranteed to appreciate or, alternatively, a gift made from recycled materials. Here are five affordable TerraCycle products available at select Walmart and Target stores and online. Coin Pouch
  • Recycled Material: USPS Mail Sacks
  • Price: $14.00
  • Description: This pouch is super sturdy and can hold a number of small items such as money, makeup, and small accessories.Each piece is custom handmade from a distinct mail sack and will differ in terms of graphics. Perfect gifts for the eco-fashionista who loves unique and one-of-a-kind accessories.
  • Upcycled Material: Capri Sun Pouches
  • Price: $21.99
  • Description: These fun school supplies are sure to get attention from classmates. The sight of the familiar juice pouches will make any co-ed nostalgic of their grade school days! These are exciting gifts for the cutesy co-ed who loves attention.
Speaker Set 
  • Recycled Material: M&M’s Wrappers
  • Price: $16.99
  • Description: A very practical gift for any co-ed—the “green” aspect is only a plus! This portable speaker set is made from 80 percent recycled materials and folds for easy storage. The 3.5 mm universal plug works with your iPod, iPhone, MP3 player, laptop, or computer. Available at Radio Shack.
Travel Toiletry Case
  • Upcycled Material: Tents
  • Price: $38.00
  • Description: Each unique piece is custom handmade from different parts of a tent. Perfect for the on the go, eco-friendly man in your life.
  • Upcycled Material: Wine Corks
  • Price: $19.99
  • Description: This classy gift will sparkle in any co-eds dorm room. If she needs a place to hang her to-do list, study guides, and family photos, why not make it eco-friendly?

Fra skrald til pynt

Det er vist ikke nogen hemmelighed, at jeg godt kan lide at genbruge almindelig husholdningsskrald. Toiletruller, æggebakker, mælkekartoner og plastikdimser har fast plads i vores kreakasse og indgår ofte i børnenes kreaprojekter - og i mine. For genbrug er godt ;-)

Meg Partridge: Co-Founder of Sustainable Fashion Initiative

This year, we’re focusing on that first step, of igniting student interest and shifting perspectives of fashion to reflect personal values. We’re really excited about upcoming and ongoing initiatives to do so, such as our successful “Stripe Swap” clothing swap, our Beauty Brigade cosmetic waste recycling/upcycling campaign with TerraCycle and Copper River Salon and Spa, our newly conceived SFI Magazine, and our 2013 Princeton Fashion Week.