Posts with term TerraCycle X


¡Ha llegado la hora de empezar a reciclar y de aprovechar ese material de escritura gastado al que tan buen uso le damos mientras dura! Este curso será posible reciclar bolígrafos, portaminas, rotuladores, fluorescentes y cualquier tipo de correctores. Todo ese material será recogido por TERRACYCLE que lo utilizará como materia prima para fabricar otros productos como por ejemplo; bancos de jardín, regaderas, cubos de basura, mochilas...

Cigarette Butt Recycling, By Mail

Separate your recycling: glass with glass, and cigarette butts with cigarette butts. The little smoked ends of filters that clutter street corners and beaches will be "upcycled" into pellets by Terracycle, according to SF Weekly. The company specializes in hard-to-recycle materials, and cigarette butts, with their cellulose acetate filters, are very hard to recycle. They are apparently also hard to throw away in a proper waste bin, with 65 percent of smokers discarding their butts on streets, in parks, or beaches -- anywhere but a trash can. TerraCycle will repurpose the cellulose acetate into shipping pallets, and is doing so in partnership with the Santa Fe Tobacco Company, which produces American Spirits. But there's no curbside collection: recycling-minded smokers will have to collect their butts in a plastic bag and mail them. Copyright NBC Owned Television Stations

Smokers, Take Heed: You Can Now Recycle Your Cigarette Butts

Forget about second-hand smoke; one company wants your second-hand cigarette butts.
A new company has developed a method to get cigarette butts off San Francisco beaches and out of landfills by "upcycling" them into pellets, which will then be used to make plastic shipping pallets and other industrial products.
  TerraCycle, a company that specializes in upcycling hard-to-recycle materials, has joined forces with San Diego based nonprofit RippleLife in an effort to repurpose cigarette filters. The effort is sponsored by Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, which apparently wants to do its part to keep its hipster customers from littering up cool, gentrifying neighborhoods nationwide.   Funded by donations, RippleLife became one of the first grassroots organizations to offer incentives to recycle cigarette butts 18 months ago, but they didn't know what to do with all the butts they collected. Enter TerraCycle, which now offers a way to recycle large quantities of butts by turning them into plastic.   Contrary to popular belief, cigarettes aren't biodegradable because of their filters, which are made of cellulose acetate. It is this acetate that is upcycled into plastic shipping pallets, says Stacey Krauss, TerraCycle's spokeswoman.   "This issue is way more enormous than I ever thought," says Chris Baffico, founder of RippleLife. "If you could show up and clean up 2,000 butts and five or six days later they were right back, you'd see what I mean."   Cigarette butts are some of the most commonly littered materials, with 65 percent of them not making it into trash cans, according to Keep America Beautiful.   "You don't have to walk or drive very far to see that smokers often discard cigarette waste in ways that litter the environment," says Cressida Lozano, head of sales and marketing for SFNTC.   Anyone can participate in this recycling campaign: simply collect the butts in a plastic bag, put that bag in a shipping box, and mail it off to Terracycle. But, as with any new initiative: Will people actually do it?   Terracycle's next coup: Turning dirty diapers into park benches. No kidding.

Ella's Kitchen

Barnmaten från Ella’s kitchen är både ekologisk och har snygga förpackningar. Härliga färger med fina illustrationer, samt ett fint, barnsligt typsnitt gör att dom väl passar sitt ändamål. Utbudet verkar vara större för den engelsk-språkiga världen men vi håller tummarna att sortimentet utökas i Sverige allt eftersom.

Att det sen kan vara lättare att dessa förpackningar hamnar i soporna än i återvinningen är en annan sak, men det försöker Ella’s kitchen uppmuntra oss att tänka på.

El Circo Ecológico de Alejandra Botto vuelve a DABADUM

La Feria, organizada por IFEMA, se celebra desde el miércoles 5 hasta el domingo 9 de diciembre DABADUM, Salón del Ocio Infantil en Familia, que se celebra del 5 al 9 de diciembre en la Feria de Madrid, volverá a contar con la colaboración del Circo Ecológico de Alejandra Botto para la organización del espacio Mundo del Medio Ambiente y las Especies Protegidas, que reunirá, en el pabellón 5, múltiples actividades para hacer el puente de diciembre más divertido a los niños de entre 0 y 12 años.

Green Gifts from TerraCycle Review

We all want to be greener. The three R's have become ingrained in our minds since we were little kids. I know I try to recycle and reuse what I can, when I can, but I fall short. Sometimes, I stare at a used up item and just wonder what I can make out of it before I give up and it goes out into the recycling bin! TerraCycle has taken the guess work out of turning trash into treasure with their unique site! So how do they do it? TerraCycle takes items that are traditionally non-recyclable, think your kids juice pouches, toothbrushes, even chip bags, and turns them into products we can use in our everyday lives. You can send them your used up packages through their website or purchase upcycled items from stores like Target and Whole Foods. I was sent a few items to review and each one is a perfect gift for someone on your holiday list, or, perhaps yourself!