Posts with term Include USA X

Don’t Trash It, Terracycle It!

Terracycle strives to outsmart waste by creating collection programs for previously difficult to recycle waste. Here at CC, students and teachers are encouraged to save their used energy bar wrapperscandy bar wrapperscereal bag liners, as well as old writing instruments such as pens, markers, sharpies, mechanical pencils etc.

Capri Sun to add new prizes to its recycling rewards program

Capri Sun is expanding its rewards program for participants in its Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program operated in conjunction with TerraCycle. The expanded benefits will offer prizes to customers who save and return the drink pouches in addition to the cash donations for schools and charities already included in the program. The program has recycled some 200 million pouches to date and earned $4 million in donations.

Green Up Your Halloween

TerraCycle is on a mission to eliminate the idea of waste. [They] do this by creating waste collection programs (each one is called a “Brigade”) for previously non-recyclable, or difficult-to-recycle, waste. The collected waste is then converted into new products, ranging from recycled park benches to upcycled backpacks.