Le Moyne students and clubs have a chance to earn money for a charity, or for Le Moyne, by recycling through the TerraCycle company.
TerraCycle is a company that recycles and upcycles, which is recycling unusual products into something inexpensive and useful. Tom Szaky initiated TerraCycle in 2001 when he was just 20 years old.
Terra Cycle creates bags and other goods from upcycled packaging products, and Seattle’s Alchemy Goods converts bike inner tubes into conveniently waterproof bags. Both programs accept donations of used items that they use as their raw materials. - See more at: http://www.kalev.com/fall-cleaning/#sthash.V4Eb6gPN.vR0jedFs.dpuf
At the Rutgers EcoComplex, a business incubator and sustainability research center in New Jersey, Princeton University students who wanted to be “eco-capitalists” started TerraCycle. They figured out a way to turn college dorm food waste into liquid organic fertilizer by feeding the food scraps to specialty selected worms. The product was such a success it got picked up by Home Depot and Wal-Mart.
Both Longfellow and Hughes work with the Salvation Army and up-cycling company Terra Cycle to further their efforts in reducing environmental impact and to collect much needed supplies for the schools.
Showing an enthusiasm about the accomplishments they have made and the knowledge they have gained from taking part in the Green Team, a handful of students provided their expertise in biodiversity and ecosystems in the continuation of the tour at Hughes, which displayed 12 flourishing gardens.
The environment and humanitarian efforts took center stage at last week’s Student Government Association meeting.Marist prides itself on its sustainability efforts and community service, and SGA plans to continue to develop that reputation through new initiatives and committees.
One of the committee’s plans includes the formation of a TerraCycle recycling program.
Rose mentioned that the Santa Clara Valley Water District can trade out toilets that consume too much water for free at eligible schools, and energy providers can perform energy audits at schools, also for free. Rose recommended an organization named TerraCycle that pays schools for its recyclable items.
A new program has been brought onto campus, the TerraCycle Beauty Brigade, which is headquartered in Trenton. This organization began by producing organic fertilizer known as “worm poop,” but is now also focusing on recycling waste into various products to be sold. TerraCycle is widely known as a leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable, post-consumer waste. Beauty Brigade bins are located in most residence hall bathrooms on campus.
And the winner was....TerraCycle, the Trenton company that recycles and upcycles just about everything you could think of. They pay schools and charitable institutions to send them stuff, then they make something cool out of it and resell it ... and manage to make a profit along the way.
Juice pouches, energy bar wrappers and potato chip bags are all items that can’t be recycled traditionally. Instead, the school sends such waste to a New Jersey business called TerraCycle, which takes the rubbish and repurposes it into other products.
Long Beach Unified School District board member Diana Craighead applauds the efforts of the Longfellow community to be environmentally sustainable.
Balfour Beatty Communities partnered with TerraCycle, a program that brings communities together to help build a sustainable future through: upcycling, recycling and donation efforts. Tyndall provides recycling for 1 and 2 plastics, newspaper, cardboard, aluminum, etc. Consumers can help eliminate overflowing landfills by collecting normally hard-to-recycle products and packaging.