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Recycling Revolution

But recycling company TerraCycle takes materials that are traditionally bound for landfill, such as cigarette butts, crisp packets and even chewing gum, and invents ways of recycling them into valuable plastics which are sold to manufacturers.

NC Aquarium celebrating Halloween with Trick or Treat Under the Sea - See more at: http://coastal.news14.com/content/news/700879/nc-aquarium-celebrating-halloween-with-trick-or-treat-under-the-sea#sthash.vZOvgIGz.dpuf

"At the Aquarium we partner with TerraCycle. TerraCycle is an organization that takes hard to recycle waste and produces things that are usable," said Jennifer Metzler-Fiorino, education curator. "The money we receive from the TerraCycle program, that goes to fund our conservation efforts."

Girl Scout Troop 60326 Helps to Green Westwood Elementary School

“We’re doing a lot of projects on campus at Westwood that can funnel us into being a green-certified school someday,” he says. “For example, we recycle Capri Suns for TerraCycle. Last year, we recycled bottles and cans with NexCycle and proceeds from that went to our fifth-grade science fund. We brought in close to $1,500 from recycled cans and bottles and helped five students go to science camp.”