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Zero Waste Box Options

It’s time to dig yourself out of denial and start cleaning the house or apartment. While emptying old boxes and containers into the dumpster can be a tempting way to declutter and make some space, you may be throwing away things that could be recycled or reused instead. Here are some items you may come across when tidying up this year that you should think twice about before tossing into the garbage bin.

Umbrella Skirt

Have you ever been walking through the pouring rain, a large wind gust comes, and immediately your umbrella is turned inside out? This doesn't just happen to you, it's a common occurrence and no longer has to necessarily mean the end of your favorite umbrella.

LETTERS: We need to stop trashing our planet

Every time I see a new product like the baby food pouches, I think of how we humans are destroying the planet with our need for convenience. It is scary to think what we are doing to our landfills and overall to our dear planet. But did you know there is a way to recycle these food pouches?