WEST FORSYTH — Students and parents at Kelly Mill Elementary were recently recognized for their recycling efforts when they won the Goodness on the Go contest.
Heather Preonas, of Highlands Ranch, was among the winners in the national recycling contest called Goodness On The Go, which is sponsored by GoGo squeeze and TerraCycle, according to a news release.
Marj McDonald and Lucy Daberkow of Centennial were among the winners in the national recycling contest called Goodness On The Go, which is sponsored by GoGo squeeze and TerraCycle, according to a press release.
Recycle Energy Gel Pouches and Earn Charity Donations – Now I know what to do with the used GU pouches that I find on the trail thrown their by lazy riders. GU Energy has partnered with recycling pioneer TerraCycle to launch the
Performance Nutrition Brigade® sponsored by
GU Energy Labs.
Even though his organization is called Friends Against Butts, make no mistake, Rowdy Keelor wants your butts. Cigarette butts, that is.
Getting a sports event sponsor to enthusiastically adopt a zero waste strategy can be a tremendous opportunity, but achieving it requires time and patience. “We always say, allow partners time to change,” says Alice Henly with the Green Sports Alliance. “Try not to set strict goals too early, but to open a dialogue.
Over the next eight weeks, Hampton, James City County, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach will use educational materials, cigarette butt receptacles and other methods to try to cut down on the number of discarded cigarette butts and plastic cigar tips. The effort includes a $12,500 grant from Keep America Beautiful.
At a glance: Earth’s Best is the only organic baby food company that has a complete line of food for children, starting with infant formula and continuing with grain cereals, jar and pouch purees for three different eating stages, toddler biscuits, and more.