The break room at Catholic Charities Phoenix House features a fridge, possibly the last unfinished box of Girl Scout cookies in the area and a zone dedicated to recycling.
Companies TerraCycle and Garnier Thursday named Regina Elementary a top state collector of beauty product packaging as part of a national recycling program.
Hewitt Elementary School students have earned $300 so far for their school by collecting and recycling drink pouches used in the lunchroom and at home.
TerraCycle is in the business of making traditionally non-recyclable waste streams recyclable for the first time. We’ve had a great deal of success in accomplishing this, thanks in no small part to the amazing individuals, families, schools and countless other groups collecting waste through the many TerraCycle Brigade programs.
Glenwood Middle School started a new club for students to help make the Earth a better place. In its first year, the Helping Our Planet Earth, or HOPE, Club focused on projects aimed at reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
CoffeeForLess, the Internet coffee shop of Coffee Serv Inc., is offering customers a way to recycle their used single serve coffee and tea capsules instead of sending them to the landfill.
The old saying of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” is very relevant in the life of Tiffany Threadgould, eco-lifestyle expert and Head Designer at TerraCycle, a recycling company known as a world leader in up-cycling and re-purposing products through innovation.
TerraCycle is on one important mission to make the impossible possible. The organization is finding ways to recycle and upcycle things that typically aren’t considered recyclable or possible to upcycle. What they hope to do is eliminate the idea of waste.
TerraCycle is on one important mission to make the impossible possible.
The organization is finding ways to recycle and upcycle things that typically aren’t considered recyclable or possible to upcycle. What they hope to do is eliminate the idea of waste.
BANGOR - A new effort is underway to keep Downtown Bangor clean.
Councilor Ben Sprague sent a message to the City Manager and chair of the Infrastructure Committee asking for a committee discussion about two additions.