June 1-3, 2015—The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach, Miami:
Gamification Tactics That Stoke Audience Engagement: Albe Zakes, Global Vice President, Communications, TerraCycle
PERRYSBURG - Frank Elementary School's Recycling Team has just reached the second level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun's Drink Pouch Brigade milestone contest by collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches. The students have earned nearly $800 for their school by collecting the drink pouches.
"It smells. It's nasty," said Gwen Shindel, who teaches fourth and fifth grade at Prairie Winds Elementary School in Monument.
But not one student has complained about the school's efforts to save normally unrecyclable food packaging from ending up in the garbage.
Rucker Boulevard Elementary School reached the first level of a Capri Sun and TerraCycle campaign aimed at recycling drink pouches, according to a TerraCycle press release.
Recycling Butts? Yes You Can! TerraCycle, working with the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, turns cigarette waste into industrial products such as plastic pallets. They accept butts, filters, loose tobacco pouches, outer plastic packaging, inner foil packaging, rolling paper and ash.
The key difference between upcycling and reusing waste is that with upcycling the original intention of the object changes. For example, if a painter uses a painted canvas for a new painting, he is reusing the canvas. But if instead that same painter takes the canvas apart, uses the wood to make a frame and uses the fabric to make a purse — that’s upcycling.
Get on Board: 4 Ways to Gamify Your Brand and Recruit Advocates: Gamification, or using game mechanics in non-game contexts, has gone mainstream. With the popularity of digital gaming, especially with millennials...
LA PORTE - The La Porte County Solid Waste District is a collector of cereal bags in the MOM Brands Cereal Bag Brigade, a free, national recycling program created by MOM Brands and TerraCycle.
Cigarette butts are widely considered to be the world’s number one litter problem. Cleanup projects at beaches gather twice as many cigarette parts as either food wrappers or beverage containers. New York State produces about 1.5 million tons of cigarette butts each year.
During the school year, the Westfield Area Y’s Preschool, Kids Club and Kindergarten staff organized and implemented a Recycling program through the TerraCycle recycling company.