Emmorton Elementary students earn money and prizes for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches used at home and in the lunchroom. Emmorton Elementary has just reached the third level of TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade® milestone contest by collecting more than 40,000 drink pouches.
The Terra Stone Plant Caddy is the perfect gift for the eco-conscious gardener. Crafted from recycled juice pouches through TerraCycle's Drink Pouch Brigade, the caddy utilizes empty drink pouches that would otherwise be thrown out. TerraCycle diverts tons of waste juice pouches annually and donates 2 cents to a charity or non-profit for each pouch collected.
Every year in New Jersey, tens of millions of tons of solid waste are incinerated or deposited into landfills, posing a serious threat to the environment, public health and safety. New Jersey's growing landfills release toxic chemicals into the soil and groundwater. Incinerated waste emits dangerous toxins and air pollutants.
Two Mount Laurel schools are among hundreds on the East Coast competing to win a playground made from recycled materials such as old toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes.
Cigarette butts are one of the most common kinds of litter, found everywhere from land to waterways. The tobacco and paper in them will break down, so those can be composted. But the filters contain a plastic, and that can take years to decompose.
We are discovering how many organizations are creating innovative ways to recycle some of those pesky pieces of litter that have become such a nuisance on our highways, sidewalks and landfills. When we saw what Foxwoods Resort Casino began doing with their collection of cigarette butts, we had to spread the word.
Survey data indicates that, compared to older generations, younger generations are more supportive of environmental legislation and the notion that global climate change is the result of human activity, yet are simultaneously
less likely to recycle or recognize the benefits of recycling.
There are certain topics I never thought I’d be talking about to my friends/family, let alone hundreds of thousands of strangers… but just like everybody poops, we all sweat too!
TerraCycle is a highly-awarded, international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products, that would otherwise be destined for landfills, and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products.
When the students at
DeFranco Elementary School go outside for recess, they have no jungle gym, no swing set, no slides nor any other playground equipment to play on. This spring, they are asking for the public's vote to change that.