Posts with term GoGo SqueeZ X

New 'TerraCycle' program in Salisbury turns trash into cash

What do empty ink cartridges, drink pouches and tape dispensers have in common? They're all part of a new recycling program intended to raise money that will go towards creating a new multi-faceted, town recreational facility to be located behind Salisbury Elementary School. Entitled "TerraCycle," the program collects for recycling, items that have previously been considered non-recyclable.

GoGo squeeZ

  • Partnership with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle®, Inc. creates a way for families to recycle used GoGo squeeZ pouches
  • TerraCycle, Inc. is a global company that collects post-consumer waste and turns it into community playgrounds, affordable eco-friendly products, and much more

Announcing the TerraCycle Trash Triathlon in Athens competing for a cash prize valued at almost $4,000!

TerraCycle Triathlon of Trash Winner Gets Free UGA Semester Dedicated to the Late Jim McGown of Athens who passed away March 7 of this year. A Veteran of the U.S. Navy, and a tireless worker for the betterment of mankind whose labor and efforts were felt as far away as the Middle East! There is No Waste...Only Wasted Resources! Perhaps Earth Day Should be Every Day as we only have one Earth and without it we would be lost! St Gregory the Great Episcopal Church on the East Side has now earned almost $6,000 by keeping over 260,000 pieces of formally difficult to recycle trash out of the landfill. While Broward College near Ft. Lauderdale has now earned $15,000. Let's be honest how much sense does it make to bury unbiodegradable trash under ground from land we stole from Mother Nature? This is Varsity Recycling: TerraCycle.com is now accepting what we would normally think of as difficult or impossible to recycle. Things like Any & All: Chip Bags, Candy Wrappers, Glue Sticks, Sunscreen  and Lipstick Tubes, and now Any and All Cigarette Trash to include Stinky Cigarette Butts. Here is the Deal: From right now until August 15th, 2013 collect everything you can from the list below placing and separating each category in its own container such as a  Box, Bird Seed, or Pet Food Bag.  Feel free to get as large as you want but make sure a single average person can move the container around fairly easy through average doorways with the assistance of a hand truck. Items can be damp but not soaked and should be shaken or squeezed free of most food and liquid.(No Need To Scrub or Rinse Anything Out) Boxes and Packages will be opened for inspection. The winner with the most by weight wins a free Semester(In-State Tuition estimated to be $3,800)! Participants will meet for a Showdown on August 16th, 2013 at a location To Be Determined. For more information meet Captain PLaneT for a personal demonstration, description, and Q&A in the Odum School of Ecology Courtyard on Tuesday June 11th, 2013 at 4:00 pm! Or schedule me for a briefing at your location! If you are far away I can just email you all the UPS Shipping Labels for free shipping and TerraCycle will do the measuring. Just ask me for a label for specific brigades. The List:
  1. Any & All Drink Pouches(Such as Capri-Sun, Kool-Aid to include the straws and straw wrappers)
  2. Any & All Coffee Pouches(Such as Maxwell House, Equal Exchange Organic, and Starbucks)
  3. Any & All Cookie and Cracker Wrappers(Such as Oreo and Keebler)
  4. Any & All Energy or Breakfast Bar and Energy Food Wrappers(Such as Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars, Cliff Bars, Oddwalla Bars, Nut Bags, Kashi Bars)
  5. Any & All Candy Wrappers(Such as M&Ms, Hershey, and Snickers) and Gum Wrappers(Such as Trident, Bubblicious, and Wrigley)
  6. Any & All Chip and Salty Snack Bags(Such as Frito Lay, Pepperidge Farm, potato chip, crackers, pretzel, cheeto, nacho, and any that look and feel similar)
  7. Any & All Lunch Kit Trays, Wrappers(such as Lunchables)
  8. Any & All Dairy Tub Containers(Such as Stonyfield Farms, Chobani, Dannon) Butter Type Spread Containers (Such as Country Crock, Promise, and yes even the little baby single serve sizes along with baby coffee creamers) Sour Cream and Cottage Cheese, etc.
  9. Sprout Brand Baby Food as well as Any & All Crushed Fruit Bags and Containers and Wrappers(GoGo Squeeze, Plum Organics, Gerber,  Chiquita, Ella's Kitchen, etc)
  10. Any & All Cereal Bags(Such as Malt-O-Meal, Rice Crispies, and Honey Nut Cheerios)
  11. Bear Naked Brand Granola and Cereal Product Wrappers
  12. Any & All Corks Real and Fake Plastic from wine and other liquor bottles
  13. Any & All Disposable Household Tape Dispensers (Such as Scotch Tape)
  14. Any & All Home Storage Bags and Containers (such as Zip Lock Type Bags, sandwich bags, and temporary tupperware plastic containers)
  15. Any & All Paper Towel and similar Paper Product Wrappers (Such as Scotts Paper Towels, Tissue Paper, Paper Napkins etc)
  16. Any & All Tooth Paste Tubes, Dental Floss Devices, and used Toothbrushes (Such as Colgate, Crest, etc)
  17. Any & All Glue Containers and Glue Sticks (Such as Elmer's)
  18. Any & All Human Writing Instruments except Chalk and Crayons (Such as Used Up or Broken Pens, Sharpies, Markers, Highlighters, Magic Markers, and Mechanical Pencils, Wooden Pencils)
  19. Any & All Beauty and Skin Care Product Tubes and Containers (Such as Aveeno and Aveda Skin Product Tubes, Neosporin Medicine Containers, Lip Stick Tubes, Cosmetic Cases,  Chap Stick Tubes, Shampoo Bottles, Deodorant Sticks and Sun Screen Tubes and Bottles)
  20. Any & All Diaper Wrappers (such as Huggies, Pampers, g-Diaper and any sort of Baby Sanitation Wipe as well as Incontinence Pad Wrappers)
  21. Any & All Cell Phones, MP3 players, Digital Cameras,  GPS Systems, Calculators, Printer and Toner Cartridges, and Laptop Computers including all cords and chargers
  22. Any & All Cheese Wrappers (such as Kraft, Kroger, Sargento)
  23. Any & All Tortilla, Tostada & Bread Wrappers (such as Mission Tortillas)
  24. Any and All Home Cleaning Containers and Items (such as Method Packs, Windex, Pledge, Ajax, and Toilet Brushes, Tubes, Pistol Squeezers)
  25. Any and All #5 & #6 disposable plastic drinking cup (Solo Cups)
  26. Any and All Laundry and Dish Wash Detergent Briquette Bags (Dropps, Tide, Cascade)
  27. Any and All Wine Pouches
  28. Any and All Hummus Products (like Athenos Hummus)
  29. Any and All Shoes
  30. Any and All Cigarette & Cigar Waste including all the ashes, unburnt tobacco, filter stubs, plastic outer wrap, aluminum paper inner wrap. (Please place in an airtight plastic bag inside the outer package)

GoGo squeeZ® Rewards Brigade® Participants for Earth Month

TRENTON, N.J., March 7, 2013 – GoGo squeeZ, the popular healthy snack brand, has been working with TerraCycle to solve the issue of snack pouch waste through a recycling collection program called The GoGo squeeZ Brigade.  For each pouch collected and sent in to TerraCycle, the collector earns points toward charity gifts or donations.  More than 220,000 pouches have been collected since the Brigade launched two years ago, and more than half of the pouches were collected within the past six months. Due to the success of The GoGo squeeZ Brigade, additional spots are being opened for Earth Month, which will allow thousands of additional people to participate. GoGo squeeZ has exciting opportunities coming up for its collectors during Earth Month 2013. In order to reward Brigade participants for recycling their products, GoGo squeeZ is:

TerraCycle recycles GoGo squeeZ fruit pouches

TerraCycle is now accepting GoGo squeeZ. Send in your pouches. Collect enough during the month of April and you could win 1,000 rewards points plus fun prizes.
How it works:
Collect enough healthy snack pouch plastic packaging to fill up a box or bag (approved waste is listed below).
Remember, the waste does not need to be cleaned or stacked, and always try to reuse a shipping box or bag!


Recycling has been one of the biggest movements in response to pollution, and dealing with the huge amounts of waste produced by today’s society. Of the biggest problems with recycling is that there are a lot of plastics, and other products that aren’t recyclable yet. A lot of progress has happened recently in recycling abilities, but there are many products and luxuries that we use today that come in packaging that isn’t easily recycled. This is where the company Terracycle comes in. Terracycle is a company that collects hard to recycle wastes and either recycles the materials, or upcylces them for new purposes.

Highland Christian School Partners with TerraCycle

PTO is excited to announce that our school is going GREEN! We teamed up with a program called TERRACYCLE.  We are going to be collecting a number of items to recycle and earn CASH.  Each classroom will have a bin to place collected items, which may be brought from home or just saved from lunch/snacks at school.  Please consider getting involved as we strive to make God’s creation a beautiful masterpiece one community at a time.  Below is a list of all items we are going to collect.  PTO will keep everyone informed throw here as to our progress throughout the year.