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Green Teams Doing Terracycle

Green Teams! If you haven't already heard, there's a new, fun way to recycle products you've never been able to recycle before. It's called Terracycle! Terracycle is a company with a goal “to help eliminate the idea of waste." It works by establishing new waste collection programs they call "Brigades." Brigades are teams of people -- friends, co-workers, families, etc. -- that are registered with Terracycle to focus on and round up certain kinds of non-recyclable waste that the company can convert into new products. They can turn Capri-Sun juice pouches into shoulder bags or circuitboards into clipboards and everything in between.

TerraCycle Turns Waste into Useful Eco-Products, Donates to Charity

Playing into the established "reuse is better than recycle" eco-sensibility, TerraCycle takes trash and transforms it into useful eco-products. TerraCycle runs a series of free national brigades, inviting people to send their garbage in exchange for cash to be donated to schools and nonprofits. From a kite made out of Skittles wrappers to an upcycled bike chain picture frame to fire logs made out of recycled cardboard and wax, TerraCycle's 1,500 products range from the quirky to the utilitarian and are available in a wide range of major U.S. retailers, from Whole Foods to Wal-Mart. Founded by a Princeton freshman in 2001, TerraCycle has collected nearly 2 billion waste units to date and raised more than $1.5 million for charity.