TerraCycle beneficia con donativos a escuelas del país

Casi $52,000 pesos fueron donados con el canje de puntos del programa de recolección de TerraCycle.
Antes del término del año pasado, alrededor de 13 escuelas de la Ciudad de México, Durango, Edo. De México, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Monterrey, Nayarit, Puebla y Sinaloa fueron apoyadas con diversos donativos que dieron una suma total de $51,404.86 pesos. Dichos donativos fueron posible gracias a los brigadistas de TerraCycle que recolectaron bolsas de botanas, de pan y pan dulce, productos de cuidado bucal y empaques de galletas y jabones. El Jardín de Niños Francisco I. Madero de Jalisco que recibió un donativo de casi $17,000 pesos tiene un programa especial para la realización de la “Brigada Jardín Mezquitic” en la que participan tanto alumnos y docentes como padres de familia. Con el donativo recibido adquirirán material en favor de los niños y sus aprendizajes. Norma Hernández, brigadista desde hace años, comenta que los programas de TerraCycle brindan la oportunidad de obtener recursos para una institución que carece de ellos, en su caso apoya al CAPEP No. 2 de Hidalgo. La institución sufrió algunos daños y con el dinero recibido se planea colocar protección para la puerta de una aula de medios. En Jalisco, el Instituto Thomas Jefferson utilizará el donativo para que los alumnos viajen a una granja donde aprenderán cómo sembrar y cosechar, también tendrán la oportunidad de hacer una composta y tratar con animales. “Un mejor mundo empieza con pasos chiquitos, todos debemos tomar estos pasitos”, mencionó una de las beneficiadas del programa. Con esto, TerraCycle ayuda a que la sociedad reflexione que sus hábitos de consumo tienen consecuencias medioambientales y que es necesario unirse a estrategias como el reciclaje para contribuir a la mejora del planeta.

ZuZu helps reduce cigarette litter – will you?

Did you know that, according to the Ocean Conservancy,  cigarette litter is not only the #1 item found during marine clean ups, but it is also the 4th deadliest ocean trash after fishing gear, plastic bags/cutlery and balloons? In fact, estimates suggest that globally, “1.69 BILLION pounds of butts wind up as toxic trash each year”  equating to as many as “4.95 trillion” butts. Certainly at a local level, cigarette litter is unsightly and a nuisance, but it also poses environmental problems as our storm sewers lead directly to local waterways.  Visualize what happens during a storm every time you walk past a littered storm sewer. We at ZuZu want to play a part in reducing cigarette litter in our downtown Barrie streets, one butt at a time. Our Terracycle Butt Collection receptacle is up and ready to receive. It’s already in use and we are encouraging smokers from near and far to place their cigarette litter in it as you pass by. But it’s only one and we need more available to make it easier and convenient to butt out. So we’re asking other business and property owners to invest a small amount and buy one ($100), mount it and let smokers know that we care about our downtown streets. It’s up to all of us to make a difference for our beautiful downtown.

ZuZu helps reduce cigarette litter – will you?

Did you know that, according to the Ocean Conservancy,  cigarette litter is not only the #1 item found during marine clean ups, but it is also the 4th deadliest ocean trash after fishing gear, plastic bags/cutlery and balloons? In fact, estimates suggest that globally, “1.69 BILLION pounds of butts wind up as toxic trash each year”  equating to as many as “4.95 trillion” butts. Certainly at a local level, cigarette litter is unsightly and a nuisance, but it also poses environmental problems as our storm sewers lead directly to local waterways.  Visualize what happens during a storm every time you walk past a littered storm sewer. We at ZuZu want to play a part in reducing cigarette litter in our downtown Barrie streets, one butt at a time. Our Terracycle Butt Collection receptacle is up and ready to receive. It’s already in use and we are encouraging smokers from near and far to place their cigarette litter in it as you pass by. But it’s only one and we need more available to make it easier and convenient to butt out. So we’re asking other business and property owners to invest a small amount and buy one ($100), mount it and let smokers know that we care about our downtown streets. It’s up to all of us to make a difference for our beautiful downtown.

Will a Trump Administration Affect TerraCycle?

Shortly after the 2016 presidential election, I was catching up with some colleagues at TerraCycle HQ in Trenton. The conversation turned to then President-elect Donald J. Trump. The topic was centered on the question of how the new administration would affect environmental policy and global action plans for sustainability. More specifically, how would a Trump presidency affect TerraCycle?   Given the environmental platform that the current president campaigned on last year, it was clear that, if elected, a President Trump would significantly alter the direction taken by the previous Administration. One pre-election promise was the cancellation or renegotiation of the United States’ participation in the Paris Agreement, a global climate change deal hinging on increased regulations for the reduction of carbon emissions. Another was the eradication of the Clean Power Plan, which regulates emissions from power plants.   In less than a month since President Trump took office, there have been reports of EPA employees being banned from giving social media updates, speaking with press and interacting with Congress and public amid the grants and contracts freeze. Actions taken with regards to advancing the Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines by executive ordersignal the possibility of expanded support for U.S. dependence on fossil fuels for domestic energy production.   That TerraCycle is an environmentally-minded company on a mission to move away from the linear ‘take-make-dispose’ way of doing things in favor of more circular and/or sustainable production systems, might question how TerraCycle would operate under the new direction favored by this Administration.   So will a Trump presidency negatively affect TerraCycle? The deep irony is that the answer is ‘No.’   The services TerraCycle offers are built to circumvent and address the economic and structural limitations of currently inefficient public waste management systems. As it stands in the U.S. and most countries around the world, public works sees most “waste” outputs falling outside the scope of recyclability (aka resource recovery), tracking them for landfilling or incineration. This is because the value of most items cannot be sold on back-end channels for more than the cost of collection, logistics and processing in these publicly funded systems, providing no economic incentive to recycle them because of the lack of profit.   However, a report from the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation finds that since most plastic packaging is used only once, 95 percent of the value of plastic packaging material, worth $80-120 billion annually, is lost to the economy. The current value system may not view recycling as a profitable business, but the fact is, not recycling is wasting money.   Diverting potentially valuable resources from being lost to the economy requires its own set of resources that the public system does not currently have. TerraCycle works with other companies, manufacturers and major brands to sponsor solutions for difficult-to-recycle waste streams in every country in which we operate, effectively providing the technology, the infrastructure, logistics and funding required to recover materials and feed them back into the value system.   Our stake partnership with SUEZ, the largest waste management company in Europe, is a demonstration of how TerraCycle’s expertise in making the “unrecyclable” nationally recyclable acts as a sweeping, profitable supplement to public systems. Our consumer-facing program structures are now available to SUEZ’s customers in France, the UK, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden, thereby expanding upon its services and adding value using our platforms.   While TerraCycle proves that infrastructure, not science, is the limitation preventing most of the world’s waste from being recycled, this presidency will make clear that innovation and competitiveness do not suffer, but flourish, under new conditions set forth by public administrations. Companies have the opportunity to step up their CSR initiatives despite decreased social and environmental regulations, acting as advocates and problem solvers in the face of rising expectations.   More and more, businesses are measured by their commitment to not only corporate social responsibility, but to creating social impacts. And TerraCycle, in our dedication to accelerating circular economy principles, will not only remain on track, but hopefully serve as an example for other entities in both the public and private sector.