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Cigarette recycling stations in downtown Oklahoma City keep thousands of smokes off streets

Some call it a filthy habit, and that's hard to argue against when your vice burns to ashes and butts. Lung dart. Coffin nail. Cancer stick. Smokers are accustomed to such clucking. So what's another dead cigarette on the street? A sweeping crew will carry it to the grave. Or not. In Oklahoma City, cigarette butts sprinkle the downtown landscape — brushed into the gutters by the wind, tossed onto a sidewalk or discreetly dropped in an alley. But there aren't as many as there used to be. Since August, more than 15,000 butts have been collected at 23 aluminum and fire-resistant cigarette waste recycling stations installed on downtown light poles. The project grew out of a partnership between the city's Office of Sustainability, and nonprofits DowntownOKC Inc. and OKC Beautiful. OKC Beautiful was among the 42 organizations receiving part of $240,000 in grant funding last year from the national Keep America Beautiful for its Cigarette Litter Prevention Program. DowntownOKC installed and maintains the receptacles, which are located throughout the Central Business District. Jerry Church, operations manager for DowntownOKC, said 40 receptacles were bought and the vision is to expand the program every other year. The aim isn't to create smoking areas and enable the habit, but to reduce litter. “People are going to smoke,” Church said. “From a city beautification perspective, if I can keep the cigarette butts out of the streets, out of the gutters, out of the stormwater drains, that's what matters.” One idea was to place the receptacles at places where smokers are likely to congregate. That meant three receptacles outside the county courthouse. Small crews empty the receptacles about once a month. Some receptacles get so full, they can cause a mild panic. A receptacle at Park Avenue near the Oklahoma Tower is one example. “If we don't stay on top of that one, someone will call and say it's smoking,” said Addison Ball, operations coordinator for DowntownOKC. On a recent Thursday morning, Ball and Church emptied the receptacles. Near Robinson and Sheridan avenues, Church braced an orange 5-gallon bucket under cigarette receptacles as Ball jammed a blue plastic tool up through the bottom to loosen wads of 100s, shorts, lights and menthols. The spit and lipstick-drenched cigarettes spilled out in abundance. “The regular smokers are using them on a regular basis,” Church said. They ship the cigarettes and packaging free-of-charge to New Jersey-based TerraCycle. The company sorts out the cigarettes by composition and melts them into hard plastic that can be remolded into industrial products. The ash and tobacco are separated and composted, according to TerraCycle's website. T.O. Bowman, the city's sustainability manager, estimates the receptacles have reduced cigarette litter by about 55 percent. The result is cleaner storm drains, improved safety for animals that may ingest the cigarette butts and streets that look a little more spiffy. “We wanted a clean downtown for visitors and users of the space,” Bowman said. “It really made a huge difference.”

Campanha promove reciclagem e reaproveitamento de materiais escolares que iriam para o lixo

Com o início do ano letivo, estudantes de todo o país substituem parte do material escolar por novos, e os usados, acabam tendo como destino o lixo. Para incentivar uma cultura sustentável e preocupada com o descarte correto dos resíduos de instrumentos de escrita, a Faber-Castell, em parceria com a TerraCycle, promove pelo quinto ano consecutivo a campanha “Faxina nos Armários”.

Entenmann’s Recycling Program with Terracycle (Plus $25 giveaway)

There are so many causes in the world today that are pulling at our purse strings and our heartstrings. Two causes I can get behind are helping schools and conservationism. If you agree, then you will love what I am sharing with you today. TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® are partnering in an exciting program that will help schools and the environment. TerraCycle®, is a recycling company that turns waste into plastic that can be used for many products including park benches, recycling bins, and even playgrounds. Through this free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship them to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. From January through March 31 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® will reward you for taking the pledge. By collecting Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a classroom party for your child. All you have to do is make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards. This program is open to any individual, school or organization that is interested in reducing local landfill waste.

Oklahoma City Reduces Cigarette Waste with Cigarette Recycling Stations

In August 2016, the Oklahoma City Office of Sustainability, OKC Beautiful and Downtown OKC, Inc. teamed up to install 23 aluminum, fire-resistant cigarette recycling stations in Downtown Oklahoma. And since then, more than 15,000 cigarette butts have been collected. The collected cigarettes are sent to N.J.-based TerraCycle, which composts the ash and tobacco and turns the remaining waste into hard plastic that can be remolded into industrial products.

Este champú puede limpiar tu cabello y el océano al mismo tiempo

¡Este producto quiere que mantengas tu cabello limpio y al mismo tiempo a los océanos!

Cuando se trata del cuidado de nuestro cabello solemos recurrir a miles de productos, mascarillas y ampolletas que ayuden a mantenerlo sano y fuerte.

Las marcas encargadas de poner a nuestro alcance todos estos productos, saben que cada persona tiene necesidades diferentes y han creado una línea especializada para cada tipo de cabello e incluso lanzaron productos especialmente para los hombres.

Dentro de esta gama existen champús para el cabello rizado, quebrado o lacio que lo limpian y lo llenan de vida aunque existe un producto que hace más que solo cuidar de tu cuero cabelludo.

¿Sabías que cada segundo más de 200 kilos de basura van a parar a los océanos? Entre ella van los botes de los productos de belleza que usas, las botellas de agua y el empaque de algún six de cerveza.

El océano es el hogar de muchas criaturas y toda esta basura no sólo contamina su hogar, también pone en peligro a las tortugas que se quedan atoradas entre la basura, mientras que un gran porcentaje de peces mueren por comer plástico.

Para limpiar los mares de todos estos residuos, una de las empresas más importantes dentro de la industria de belleza, además de cuidar del cabello de sus consumidores, también quiere unirse a la lucha contra la crisis ambiental.

Procter & Gamble (P&G) consciente de todo el impacto ambiental que las botellas crean, compartió recientemente que todos los envases de su línea de champú, Head & Shoulders, serán producidos con todos aquellos plásticos recolectados de playas, ríos y océanos.

Esto quiere decir que este champú puede limpiar tu cabello y el océano al mismo tiempo. Cada empaque estará elaborado hasta con el 25% de estos residuos y será la primera botella en la industria del jabón líquido en estar hecha con basura.

La empresa TerraCycle decidió asociarse con P&G para colaborar con la recolección de todos estos residuos y duplicar esfuerzos para limpiar todos estos sitios y sobretodo proteger a los animales marinos y a sus ecosistemas.

Es importante entender qué tan grande es el problema de la basura en el mar. ¡Es horrible y preocupante!, dijo Tom Szaky, fundador de la empresa de reciclaje TerraCycle.
De acuerdo con el Foro Económico Mundial,  casi 8 millones de toneladas de basura terminan en los océanos cada año. Esto es como tirar todo el contenido de un camión de basura cada minuto. Szaky comentó que muchas organizaciones y voluntarios recogen los plásticos de las playas, puertos y otros sitios que posteriormente TerraCycle separa en plásticos de alta densidad que enviará a P&G para elaborar sus envases y el resto se utiliza para crear bancos y mesas que serán llevadas a organizaciones no lucrativas. La marca P&G es una más que se une a crear productos a partir de los desechos de los mares, otra empresa que se unió a esta causa es Adidas con sus tenis elaborados con plástico obtenido del mar.
Como consumidor, también te debes preocupar por saber con que están hechos los artículos que utilizas y cómo deshacerte de ellos de manera responsable, añadió Szaky
Actualmente esta línea está disponible en Francia pero se planea reemplazar todas las botellas de Head & Shoulders con este empaque.