Salem's Eye-Catching Cigarette Disposal System Wins Award

The cigarette disposal bins that turn heads in downtown Salem have won an innovation award. SALEM, MA – They make bar goers do a double take, and keep Salem streets a little cleaner. The city's Park Your Butts program, which aims to increase cigarette recycling, was relaunched in July 2016 with new artwork and its new slogan. The relaunch was awarded a Massachusetts Municipal Association Innovation Award in February,according to The Beacon. Dominick Pangallo, Salem's chief of staff, said the new bins were also relocated to places that might draw more use – and its been working. The MMA article noted that the new bins are roughly half-full when they're collected each week. The bins were originally put out in 2015, and fixed roughly a year later to improve use. The MMA said for every pound of cigarette waste in the bins, Terra Cycle donates $1 to Salem Main Streets.

Giveaway! WIN $25 Plus Entenmann’s Little Bites! Ends Feb 27th

Since becoming a parent there are two things that have changed. #1 – I am up really early. #2 – I have taken global issues way more serious. I am leaving this earth for my kids and their kids. I want my littles to understand that the Earth is here for us, and we need to be here for it. Which is why recycling has become so important to not only me but the rest of the world – Including Entenmann’s. I am so happy to announce that Entenmann’s has partnered with TerraCycle to help us all recycle those Little Bites Pouches and turn them into  park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds. Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. TerraCycle and Entenmann’s also want to help the school of your choice win a classroom party. I know my kids have snack time every day and their teachers often need snacks for the kids. So why not Entenmann’s Little Bites as a snack to get the ball rolling on winning that class party, all the while helping the environment by recycling? From January through March 31st 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge. And if you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party. It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards. The Entenmann‘s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste. To learn more about the Entenmann‘s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program here: http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/contests/little-bites-pledge

Making The Pledge with Entenmann’s Little Bites {prize pack and $25 VISA gift card giveaway}

Want a delicious on-the-go treat that your kids will absolutely love? Entenmann’s® Little Bites® muffins are baked soft and moist and then packed in easy to grab on-the-go pouches so they can be enjoyed just about anywhere. They are made with real ingredients, and never contain any high fructose corn syrup, which means parents love them as much as kids do. In fact, more than 10 billion Entenmann’s Little Bites snacks have been enjoyed since they were introduced in 1999. That’s a whole lot of happy kids.   As cool as it is to have a treat that all kids can agree on and can be shared amongst them, I’m most excited about their TerraCycle partnership that allows me to recycle the bags they come in for free and do our part to reduce waste. If you aren’t familiar, TerraCycle® is an international recycling company that turns waste into plastic that can be used for products such as park benches, recycling bins and playgrounds. Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. Making The Pledge with Entenmann’s® Little Bites®   From January through March, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by Making the Pledge. If you collect Entenmann’s Little Bites pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a special Classroom Party. It’s super easy to participate: just make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards! You can learn more about the Entenmann's® Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program by clicking the link to see how you and your school can get involved. Want even more fun? Here’s a link to DIY recycling project using Entenmann’s® Little Bites® as inspiration!

Recycled Materials Connects with Consumers

  A year ago, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that most plastic packaging is used only once; 95% of the value of plastic packaging material, worth $80 billion-$120 billion annually, is lost to the economy after a short first use. Procter & Gamble just recently announced that it has teamed up with us at TerraCycle and Suez, the largest waste management company in Europe, to source, develop and put out the first fully recyclable shampoo bottle made from beach plastic for the world’s #1 shampoo brand, Head & Shoulders. The first 150,000 bottles will be available in France this summer, making it the world’s largest production run of recyclable shampoo bottles made with beach plastic, and a major step in establishing a unique supply chain that supports a new plastics economy.' Using the program created by TerraCycle and Suez as a sourcing method, P&G not only creates a market for recycled plastics, but a sustainable supply chain designed to feed back into itself.  Working with hundreds of NGOs and other beach cleanup organizations, TerraCycle sources the shipments of rigid plastics collected through beach cleanup efforts, capturing these materials for recycling for the first time, at no cost to participants. Being a steward for the recycled materials market has untapped resource and marketing potential for consumer product companies on many fronts. Recycling and recyclability being the most accessible and easily understood aspects of sustainability for consumers, pioneering the integration of more recycled materials into production, and developing end-of-life solutions for products and packaging, can allow companies to scale for growth and generate efficiencies in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Consumers do care about recycling. In a survey conducted for Packaging Digest’s 2015 Sustainable Packaging Study, 57% of participants cite a product’s recyclability to be top of mind when it comes to the environment and sustainability, a product featuring recycled content and reduced packaging coming up for second and third place. The majority of consumers see recyclability as the most important factor in choosing sustainable products, and it is consumers that ultimately drive company behavior. The scale of the beach plastics project focuses on the goal of incorporating more post-consumer recycled content (as P&G has for over 25 years, last year using 34,000 metric tons) across other P&G brands and globally, inspiring other world entities to do the same. P&G Hair Care is projected to see half a billion bottles per year include 25% PCR by the end of 2018, and the announcement is an important step in P&G’s mission to meet the Corporate 2020 goal of doubling the tonnage of PCR used in plastic packaging. Collecting waste materials to use them as resources to create new products is what recycling is about. Manufacturers and brands can create and expand the market for recycled plastics by purchasing recycled materials to make their products, selling them to consumers and then making the product easily recyclable. Brands rethinking plastic packaging production carve themselves a place in the new plastics economy, effectively addressing growing consumer demand for more circular waste solutions and greater responsibility on the part of consumer product companies.

Head & Shoulders kreiert die weltweit erste recycelte Shampoo-Flasche aus am Strand angespültem Plastik

In Zusammenarbeit mit den Recycling-Spezialisten TerraCycle und SUEZ wird diese Innovation erstmals diesen Sommer in Frankreich ermöglicht, wo eine limitierte Auflage der Head & Shoulders Flasche für Kunden in der führenden Einzelhandelskette Carrefour erhältlich sein wird. Dies wird der weltweit größte Produktionslauf recycelter Flaschen aus Strand-Plastik, und damit ein wichtiger Schritt in der Etablierung einer einzigartigen Zulieferkette unterstützt durch tausende Freiwillige und hunderte Umweltschutzvereine, die das an Stränden angespülte Plastik sammeln.

Pledge to Recycle with Little Bites

Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? Many of us make New Year’s resolutions with the intention of bettering our lives in some way, whether it’s eating healthier, getting out of debt, or getting in shape. This year, make the resolution of helping to make your environment better! This can be achieved in different ways, including composting, reducing food waste, and recycle, to give you a few ideas.   Make the pledge to recycle with Entenmann’s® Little Bites® and they’ll reward you for it! TerraCycle®, an international recycling company turns waste into plastic that can be used for products such as park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds. Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. Additionally, you can upcycle their Littles Bites packaging, creating an organizer! From January through March 31st, 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge. And if you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party. It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards.
The Entenmann’s Little Bites ® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste.

Make The Pledge To Recycle!

As my boys are getting older, we are encouraging them to do everything possible to take care of our planet.  It’s important that they understand their role in protecting all of our valuable natural resources.  Aside from some subtle changes that we have made right here at home to conserve energy, we have been teaching them how to recycle some of the things that we use on a daily basis. Have you made your resolution yet for 2017?  Make the pledge to recycle with Entenmann’s® Little Bites® and they’ll reward you for it! TerraCycle®, an international recycling company turns waste into plastic that can be used for products such as park benches, recycling bins, and playgrounds.  Through the free recycling program, you can collect waste, like Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches, and ship to TerraCycle® for processing using a pre-paid shipping label. From January through March 31st 2017, TerraCycle® and Entenmann’s® Little Bites® want to reward you for making eco-friendly habits by making the pledge.  If you collect Entenmann’s® Little Bites® pouches on behalf of a K-12 school, you could be placed in the running to win a Classroom Party.  It’s easy to participate: make the pledge, send in the waste, and earn more rewards. The Entenmann’s Little Bites® Pouch Recycling Program is open to any individual, school or organization interested in reducing local landfill waste.

Hasta un 25% del material del envase de champú de H&S provendrá de plástico de playa


La empresa estadounidense de bienes de consumo Procter and Gamble (P&G) publicó recientemente en su página web que va a producir envases de su champú estrella Head and Shoulders (H&S) donde, por primera vez, la cuarta parte de su composición como máximo será de plástico reciclado de playas.

Los supermercados Carrefour en Francia serán los primeros en vender el champú en su nuevo envase en una edición limitada y lo harán a partir de este verano.

A P&G le ayudarán en este proyecto dos empresas: TerraCycle, una estadounidense especializada en reciclaje, y SUEZ, la multinacional francesa de energía y gestión del agua.

¿Cuántas iniciativas como ésta necesitaremos para frenar el pronóstico para el 2050 en el que se espera que habrá más plástico que peces en el mar?