
Well I have read and heard some pretty awesome things about Terra Cycle so when I had the opportunity to share about them and check out one of their products I got really excited!! TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide  range of different non-recyclable waste materials. With over 50 products  available at major retailers like Walmart, Target, The Home Depot,  OfficeMax, Petco and Whole Foods Market, TerraCycle is one of the  fastest growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world. Our hope is to  eliminate the idea of waste by finding innovative, unique uses for  materials others deem garbage.

Giveaway: Terracycle pencil pouch and lunch box

We here the words 'reduce, reuse, recycle' a lot  when it comes to cleaning our our environment and cutting down on waste in our landfills but have you thought much about the word 'upcycle'? To ucpcycle an item would be to use the product again in a totally different way than it was originally used.  Terracycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> has found a ton of ways to take our trash and recyclables and make them into something new. The great thing about this company is that YOU can get involved, too!  Here is a little bit about Terracycle from their website:

The buzz around town is: D Bee O has gone green

In March some members of the Environmental Club took a field trip to Terracycle in Trenton to deliver 12,000 juice pouches they had been collecting. Club Co-leader Behm praised the hard work of the 25 members. "Every day they went around collecting the juice pouches, and then on Wednesdays after school they counted them, washed them and packed them. They worked so hard," she said. Their efforts raised $200 for the school playground.

As part of its recycling campaign, Walmart is beginning this month to sell eco-friendly pet products such as dog beds and kitty litter boxes made from trash. Another new Walmart effort begun this month is a collection system for 28 types of trash that’s being tried at five stores on the East Coast. TerraCycle, takes the waste, including candy wrappers, pens and coffee bags, and upcycles the waste into products like tote bags and portable speakers.

Ziploc and Terracycle Contest to Feature Greenest Mom

TerraCycle, the popular upcycling manufacturer, has teamed with Ziploc to create the Make-A-Difference-Mom Contest.  The contest which began on October 24, 2010 will run through December 15, 2010. To enter, consumers can visit the TerraCycle website where they can explain how a mom they know embodies the “Make-A-Difference-Mom” ideal–a mom who makes a conscious effort to deliver a positive impact on the environment and the community in her daily life. In January, four finalists will be picked from these submissions and will be highlighted on the TerraCycle Facebook page where fans can vote for their top pick. The grand prize winner will receive $1,500 to reward herself or the community, and a video camera to document her experience.