What's for Lunch?

Northfield-based Kraft has also revisited packaging and advertising. Kraft ditched movie tie-ins on packaging, and nutritional information is more prominent. Most Lunchables trays are now clear, because moms said they wanted to be able to see the food inside. Because the plastic trays aren't recyclable, Kraft moved to avoid "green" criticism by partnering with TerraCycle to convert used Lunchables containers into lunch boxes and pencil cases.

Recycle Pens, Pencils and Markers at Phoenix Public Library

Phoenix Public Library and the city of Phoenix Public Works Department kick off Recycle Write on Monday, Nov. 1, 2010. Visit any one of 16 library locations or nine OfficeMax retail stores in Phoenix to deposit used pens, pencils and markers of all types in designated collection containers. The collected writing instruments will be shipped to TerraCycle, a company specializing in making consumer products from post-consumer materials.

Should You Drop Out of College to Start a Business?

But what happens when a college student has an entrepreneurial itch that just can’t be scratched within the confines of an institution of higher learning?  When I was writing Upstarts!, I heard many stories of students leaving school to focus on their companies. Among them are Tom Szaky (TerraCycle), Ben Kaufman (Quirky), Caleb Sima (SPI Dynamics), Brendan Ciecko (Ten Minute Media), Brad Weinberg and Rajiv Kumar (Shape Up the Nation). Some were clearly not academically inclined from the get go; others just could not manage a company and school at the same time, and the former took precedent.   I doubt that any of them regret their decision, but I wish that they had not been forced to make it. And for that, I blame the colleges and universities that they attended and left.

Innovative Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets

In today’s constantly changing business environment, innovating is more important than ever to your survival. But how do you do it? I asked four highly innovative young entrepreneurs to reveal the secrets of their success: - Tom Szaky’s TerraCycle transforms waste products ranging from worm poop to candy wrappers into a wide range of consumer products.

Monday How-to: The TerraCycle Capri Sun pouch wallet

Today's featured project isn't my own.  It comes to me from a company called TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/> .  I can hear you scratching your head and questioning, "A corporate craft?" Yes, friends - a corporate craft.  But, TerraCycle is no ordinary corporation.  Founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky (when he was 19 years old and a freshman at Princeton University,) TerraCycle is a multi-category eco-friendly upcycle company. Basically: They profit by taking waste and turning it into new goods which they then sell.  Things like Capri Sun drink pouches, Oreo cookie package wrappers, Cliff Bar wrappers and other assorted non-recyclable waste becomes purses, picture frames, clip boards and other cool items.

Horrors! What to do with Halloween rubbish?

Curses! How do I get rid of … ? Jack-o’-lanterns: Compost them in a heap or in a bin. Need a bin? RIRRC sells Earth Machines on Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 4 for $40. Candy wrappers: These aren’t accepted in your blue bin, however you can join or start a local “brigade” of collectors for many hard-to-recycle items, including candy wrappers, and earn cash for your school or nonprofit by signing up at www.terracycle.net. If this is not an option, please place them in the trash.

Green Halloween

1. Recycled Capri Sun bag by Terracycle. Terracycle is an amazing company that takes trash and makes things out of it. They have 186 different products, all made from trash. And they also have a program where you can send trash to them and they will donate a couple of cents per piece to a charity. So far they have donated over $1.3 million dollars and have taken almost 2 billion pieces of trash from landfills. Talk about a company that's making a difference in a trashy way!