How Upcycling ‘Ups’ Options for Re-Use

Most municipalities don’t collect all kinds of plastics. Most people don’t take the effort to sort trash or clean out bottles before tossing them to the curb. Compostable packaging is “too noisy” or “doesn’t feel right”. Most single-use packaging is non-recyclable. Products lose shelf-life and consumer safety by switching to a different type of packaging. Brands face numerous challenges in strengthening the eco-friendly features of their products especially the packaging, and consumers often have no options for recycling or reusing the product or its packaging. Research to create eco-friendly packaging, implementation of more responsible packaging, and the packaging itself is often more expensive than the alternative.  This cost drives up the price and drives away customers regardless of the social or environmental benefits. For brands that want to stay competitive while also becoming more responsible, these problems must be solved.

Father's Day Gift Giving Guide

Terra Cycle- Vinyl record clocks and circuit board coasters and picture frames are funky decorations that could spice up an office or fit in well in a man’s hangout in the basement. TerraCycle’s upcycled gifts are affordable and eco-friendly, teaching us to care for the environment and be cognizant of what we do with waste instead of just sending it to the landfill. Great ideas for dad!

KIWI pick:Dropps Laundry Detergent Pouch Brigade

We thought Dropps Laundry Detergent was just about perfect: The biodegradable pouches are a less wasteful alternative to plastic detergent bottles, and the phosphate- and chlorine-free formula is healthier for people and the environment. Still, we never knew what to do with the non-recyclable packaging--until now. Upcycling company, Terracycle, has formed the Dropps Laundry Detergent Pouch Brigade to collect used Dropps packaging and turn it into bags, toys, office supplies, and more, making Dropps the first zero-waste laundry detergent. Learn more at terracycle.net.

The Quagmire of Design I.P.

Intellectual property  is a complicated subject. At TerraCycle, I regularly face I.P. decisions, and I have developed a point of view on them — but I would welcome some feedback. I’m particularly interested in your perspectives on unprotected design.

The TerraCycle Program Eliminates Waste and Promotes Recycling

TerraCycle offers collection programs that regularly collect waste from more than 14 million people in 11 countries and convert it into more than 1500 new products and materials. Many of the collection programs are free and focus on waste that is not recyclable via traditional methods. The items are then sold at a variety of retailers, including Walmart and Whole Foods Market. The program was founded in 2011 and aims to eliminate the entire concept of ''waste'' by proving that everything we throw away is actually reusable. Tom Szaky began TerraCycle when he was just a 20-year old college freshman attending Princeton University and started by producing organic fertilizer that was packaged in used soda pop bottles.

TerraCycle-Part 3 of 4: Answering the tough questions

TerraCycle: http://www.terracycle.net is a great company doing great things with previously useless trash. They turn Starburst wrappers into messenger bags and chip bags into park benches. And they get those wrappers and bags from community collection brigades and directly from the companies whom might have extra packaging to get rid of. So, the upside is that those items are being kept out of the landfills where they may never decompose at all because of the science behind aerobic and anaerobic digestion.

Comment recycler pour la bonne cause ?

Jeter à part le verre, le plastique et le papier est un geste simple qui permet chaque année le recyclage de plus de 60 % des emballages ménagers. C'est bien... mais on peut encore mieux faire, et pour la bonne cause ! Recycler à l’infini Parfois, on peut même savoir ce que deviennent les objets récoltés. Ainsi, l'association internationale www.terracycle.fr s'est associée à Bic pour récupérer vos vieux stylos. Recyclés, ils servent à fabriquer des arrosoirs, des poubelles ou des pots à crayons (une part des bénéfices va à des associations). C'est un premier pas vers le « cradle to cradle » ou C2C (du berceau au berceau), dernier né des mouvements écolo déjà en vogue à l'étranger. Ses adeptes militent pour une conception 100 % « verte » des objets, depuis le choix des matières premières jusqu'à leur réutilisation en fin vie : comment concevoir un produit pour qu'il soit facilement recyclé ou réutilisé ? Dim travaille ainsi à un collant C2C. Il sera vendu dans une pochette facilitant sa restitution et les fils seront réutilisés pour d'autres collants. Convaincus ?