Innovatives Stifte-Recycling-Programm für Schulen

Ein leerer Stift kann ab jetzt das Umweltbewusstsein von Schülern erhöhen, ihnen den Prozess des Recyclings lehren und einen guten Zweck unterstützen. Zum ersten Mal können in Deutschland leere Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel recycelt werden, dank eines neuen Sammelprogramms, das Kinder in Schulen und Kindergärten zum Mitmachen motiviert.

Chocolates Nestlé e TerraCycle ultrapassam a marca de 130 mil embalagens coletadas

A parceria entre a unidade de Chocolates da Nestlé com a TerraCycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo, acaba de registrar um expressivo resultado: o programa -  que teve início em outubro de 2010 e visa recolher e transformar embalagens de chocolate em sacolas, bolsas e estojos -  superou a marca de 130 mil embalagens de chocolates coletadas. Além disso, com a rápida adesão dos consumidores à causa, todas as 400 vagas abertas inicialmente para as brigadas Nestlé Chocolover (times de coleta) foram preenchidas.

Nestlé e TerraCycle ultrapassam 130 mil embalagens coletadas

A parceria entre a unidade de Chocolates da Nestlé com a TerraCycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo, acaba de registrar um expressivo resultado: o programa - que teve início em outubro de 2010 e visa recolher e transformar embalagens de chocolate em sacolas, bolsas e estojos - superou a marca de 130 mil embalagens de chocolates coletadas. Além disso, com a rápida adesão dos consumidores à causa, todas as 400 vagas abertas inicialmente para as brigadas Nestlé Chocolover (times de coleta) foram preenchidas

Flip Your Flops for a Good Cause

  While they’re the favorite footwear choice for many, flip flops are not known for their lasting power. I’ve worn down many a pair to thin strips of rubber I could feel every pebble through and then—if reluctantly—threw them away, knowing of no more earth-friendly way to put them to use when they were no longer wearable.  That changed this spring. If your flips have gone a little floppy, stop before you feed them to the trash bin. Your tattered, dirty old flip flops could provide endless entertainment for American youngsters. No, really.  Old Navy has partnered with New Jersey-based national innovative recycling organization TerraCycle to turn used flip flops into playground equipment, with a program dubbed Flip Flop Replay. If the name TerraCycle sounds strangely familiar, the organization was coincidentally referenced in the last Eco-Friendly article on Highlands Elementary’s green efforts. A nationwide effort, the program goes like this: used flip flops are collected in large boxes at Old Navy stores across the continental U.S.; the boxes are then mailed to TerraCycle; TerraCycle turns the flip flops into playgrounds, like eco-magic. When finished, the playgrounds will be donated to schools or communities throughout the country who participate in TerraCycle programs.

Old Navy wants your old flip-flops

Clearing out old flip-flops to make room for new ones this summer? Don't throw them out. Old Navy wants them. Until May 21, all Old Navy stores around the country — including in Omaha, Papillion, Lincoln, Kearney, Neb., and Sioux City, Iowa — are collecting used flip-flops in any condition. They will be given to TerraCycle and turned into playground equipment to establish four public playgrounds nationwide. The Flip Flop Replay effort kicked off on Earth Day.