Durch Stifte-Recycling die Umwelt schützen

Leere Stifte wandern in Zukunft nicht mehr in den Restmüll, sondern können recycelt werden. Schulen, Kindergärten, Universitäten, Unternehmen, Organisationen, Institutionen und Vereine können jetzt an einem neuen Recycling-Programm für leere Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel teilnehmen. Das Programm hat zum Ziel, Stiften ein zweites Leben zu geben, anstatt sie in Müllverbrennungsanlagen zu verbrennen. Damit soll der Bedarf an natürlichen Rohstoffen und der CO2 Ausstoß bei der Produktion von neuen Produkten reduziert werden.

Cinco de Mayo Ingridients

After you have enjoyed your fajitas, please visit TerraCycle <http://terracycle.net/> and join in their mission to outsmart waste. TerraCycle has partnered with Mission Foods <http://www.missionfoods.com/> to collect the usually non-recyclable wrappers from tortillas, chips, and other food products and, indeed, recycle them. These food wrappers can be turned into backpacks, plant grow kits and mini speakers (anda whole lot more!). School and community groups can join the "Brigade" and earn 2 cents per item for the charity of their choice!

TerraCycle Products Review

TerraCycle, a pioneering upcycling and recycling company, offers all types of gifts made from recycled and upcycled items that would have otherwise been thrown out and wasted. Many of their products, including tote bags, coolers, journals/notebooks, corkboards, and jewelry can be great gifts for moms. The tote bags are durable and colorful – perfect for anything from carrying groceries to taking the kids to the beach or park for the day. Coolers, journals and notebooks incorporate plastic packaging from products including Capri Sun and Frito Lay chips. Corkboards are made from wine corks, and could be used to hang up the kids’ schedule or phone messages. Their jewelry is made from recycled silver, which cuts the costs and environmental distress of extraction and processing of precious metals.

Cinco de Mayo 2011: Fiesta Chicken and Black Bean Enchiladas

Cinco de Mayo 2011 is here, so it’s time to get cooking. This year, use Mission Foods products for your Mexican cooking needs, save the plastic packaging and send it to TerraCycle to be recycled and “upcycled” into new products. In order to participate in saving the environment this Cinco de Mayo, simply go to the TerraCycle website at www.terracycle.net, and join the Tortilla and Tostada bag brigade in order to print out your free shipping label. For every wrapper that you send to the company, TerraCycle will reward you with two points redeemable towards special gifts or cash donations to the charity of your choice.

Cinco de Mayo Chicken fajitas recipe

After you have enjoyed your fajitas, please visit TerraCycle <http://terracycle.net/> and join in their mission to outsmart waste. TerraCycle has partnered with Mission Foods <http://www.missionfoods.com/> to collect the usually non-recyclable wrappers from tortillas, chips, and other food products and, indeed, recycle them. These food wrappers can be turned into backpacks, plant grow kits and mini speakers (anda whole lot more!). School and community groups can join the "Brigade" and earn 2 cents per item for the charity of their choice!

Recycle flip flops

Location: Old Navy, 47196 Michigan Ave., west of Canton Center Road, Canton Details: If you get new flip flops to start the summer season, don't throw those old ones in the trash. In an effort to reduce waste, TerraCycle Inc. and Old Navy are partnering in a drive to collect used flip flops and recycle them into four public playgrounds around the country. Just stop by an Old Navy store through May 21 to deposit used flip flops in designated collection bins.