Cleaner Greener Tour Hits Fayetteville

Here at the City of Fayetteville we've been having a lot of discussions lately about diverting more "waste" from the landfill and turning them into resources through recycling. One of the problems that cities face is that product packaging often does not come in recyclable containers. With this in mind, cities are beginning to talk with package producing companies about "increased producer responsibility." IPR is the idea that companies make a much more concerted effort to use recycled materials for their packaging in order to increase the market demand for those products and/or produce packaging that can be recycled through conventional markets. Below is an email from Terracycle's PR person, Stacey Cusak, about an opportunity to support such an effort from Garnier and Terracycle. I have not been able to confirm or deny whether Stacey is actually related to one of my favorite actors John Cusak.

Programme de recyclage de stylos usagés

La société Bic lance, avec Terracycle le premier programme de collecte et de recyclage d'instruments d'écriture usagés en France. Les écoles notamment sont invitées à s'engager dans ce programme en s'inscrivant sur le site de Terracycle, sur lequel elles téléchargeront un kit comprenant tout le matériel nécessaire : affiches, tracts, bordereaux d'expédition prépayés..

Neues Recycling-Programm engagiert Schüler am Umweltschutz

Ein neues Recycling-Programm regt Schüler dazu an, den Wert ihrer leeren Stifte zu überdenken und bringt Recycling in ihren Alltag ein. Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten können jetzt an einem neuen Recycling-Programm für Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel teilnehmen, welches zum Ziel hat, Schüler aktiv am Umweltschutz zu beteiligen.

Six Flags Says “Cheese!”

Six Flags Says "Cheese!" Visitors get $15 off general admission at Six Flags St. Louis when they bring specially marked Kraft string cheese packaging to the park entrance. Kraft Cheese and TerraCycle, Inc. have partnered with Six Flags for a summer recycling drive at Six Flags parks across the United States. The packaging will be sent to TerraCycle to be recycled into eco-friendly products, including trash cans, flower pots, plastic plywood, park benches and picnic tables.

See the Coolest Office Space Ever

There is no such thing as trash for upcycling company TerraCycle <http://terracycle.net/> , who specializes in making new products from hard-to-recycle waste, from used corks to cookie bags. It’s only fitting that its own office is upcycled, too. Check out photos from our tour of its Trenton, N.J. facility.

Trenton Company Aims to Recycle Diapers

You thought your eco-crazy neighbor with the composting toilet had gone too far? Trenton-based Terracycle, which already makes tote bags out of old Capri Sun pouches, is developing a process to recycle (yes, dirty) diapers. Admittedly, this is not timed well to a heat wave, but the Scoop just can’t resist a story with this quote: “That’s where the biocide comes in.”

Carré Noir conçoit le design de lancement du premier programme de recyclage d’instruments d’écriture initié par BIC et TerraCycle

Numéro un mondial du stylo à bille, BIC a confié à Carré Noir la conception des supports de communication du tout nouveau programme de collecte et de recyclage en partenariat avec Terra Cycle. Mission accomplie grâce à un ton résolument ancré dans la veine participative tant sur le fond que sur la forme ! Un style ”néo-amateur” et volontairement peu marketé qui permet aux petits, comme aux plus grands, de s’approprier rapidement le projet. Un travail de hiérarchisation de l’information et d’attribution du discours à la marque a été effectué pour assurer une compréhension en ”un clin d’oeil” du programme.