5 Things You Need to Know Today: June 22

Each morning, Westborough Patch presents “5 Things You Need to Know,” a collection of announcements, events and reminders to help you organize your day. 4. TerraCycle, a recycling company, is hoping to reduce packaging waste by paying for it. The company will pay two cents per item to a charity of choice for anyone who sends waste to the free collection program. Shipping costs are paid. To learn more, visit www.terracycle.net. A company statement said it turns trash into “bright, innovative products such as backpacks, speakers and pencil cases.”

Is There Treasure in Your Trash?

The local TerraCycle Brigade collects difficult-to-recycle waste to make eco-friendly products. It’s a case of one man’s trash being another man’s treasure. TerraCycle is a global company that collects nonrecyclable and difficult-to-recycle waste and uses it to make affordable, eco-friendly products. For each piece of 'waste' sent in through collection programs called Brigades, TerraCycle pays the UPS shipping charges and awards two points, which can be redeemed for specific charity gifts on TerraCycle.net or converted to 2 cents to be donated to the charity of the collector’s choice. While most municipalities accept glass, aluminum, tin and specific kinds of plastic for recycling, TerraCycle is focused on uncommonly recycled items. The company partners with consumer packaged goods manufacturers to upcycle consumer products. With upcycling, the waste is simply cleaned and shaped, sewn, or fused into new products, such as backpacks, messenger bags, lunch boxes, school supplies, shower curtains, and kites.

Nestlé investiu em lounge no SPFW para divulgar Nescafé Dolce Gusto

O louge trouxe uma uma exposição de peças produzidas com embalagens de chocolates Nestlé pós-consumo, entre vestidos, bolsas e outros acessórios, frutos da parceria da Nestlé com a TerraCycle, líder global em coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo difíceis de reciclar. Toda a ação estava alinhada ao tema proposto pelo SPFW deste ano que foi “Sustentabilidade, Design e Tecnologia“. A 31ª edição do São Paulo Fashion Week foi realizada no prédio da Bienal, no Parque do Ibirapuera.

Summer Celebrations Are an Extra Opportunity to Recycle

Summer is the season for outdoor parties and picnics, and it’s important to take care of the outdoors as you are enjoying it. Instead of filling up your trash can with empty food wrappers and plastic cups after guests leave, you can reuse the packaging yourself or send the waste to TerraCycle, where you can earn money for your favorite charity and keep things out of the local landfill at the same time. TerraCycle, an innovative upcycling and recycling company, partners with brands such as Frito-Lay, Nabisco, Kraft Cheese, Solo, and Scott to reduce the amount of waste being thrown away. Some of the wrappers can also be used for do-it-yourself projects. An easy, crafty summer project is the do-it-yourself chip bowl, which can be made from a Frito-Lay chip bag, and then used for your next party! Or, you can turn your used Solo cups into herb planters for the porch or kitchen. For those who’d prefer to send their waste back to TerraCycle, they’ll earn two cents per item for a charity of their choice.

Outdoors Supplier Kicks Off Recycling Initiative

The North Face company is doing its part to help reduce plastic waste from ending up in landfills.

The global supplier of outdoor apparel, footwear and equipment has partnered up withTerraCycle, a pioneer in the world of recycling, to keep plastic polybags — commonly used to protect outdoor apparel in distribution and shipping — out of landfills. The material instead would be recycled into plastic lumber, bike racks, kitchen utensils and other reusable products.

Recycling: Machen Sie Ihren Abfall zum neuen Produkt

Sie können einen Teil Ihres Mülls kostenlos zu einem Unternehmen schicken und gleichzeitig eine gemeinnützige Organisation unterstützen. Abfallprodukte wie Tetrapacks, Altpapier, Taschen, alte PCs usw. können recycelt werden und kommen als neue Produkte auf den Markt. "Kleine Taten, die man ausführt, sind besser als große, die man plant." (George Catlett Marshall)

School Recycling Program Benefits Needy Families

The program was spearheaded by “Leaders for the Future,” a group of sixth-graders at Lawrence Intermediate School. The “Leaders for the Future,” a group of sixth-graders at Lawrence Intermediate School (LIS), spearheaded a recycling program at Lawrence Intermediate School. The students began the planning stages in January during a two-day character education program, sponsored by State Farm Insurance. Students developed a plan of action to reduce the amount of trash from the cafeteria and individual classrooms by setting out bins in the lunch room to collect Capri Sun drink pouches and Frito-Lay chip bags. The leadership group packaged the recycled goods and sent them to TerraCycle in Trenton, N.J.