Orlando groups join the TerraCycle Brigade to collect waste for charity

Have you ever wondered if there was something that could be done with paper and plastic products not accepted for recycling so they wouldn't end up in the landfill? Several Orlando elementary schools and pre-schools are taking part in a national program geared toward reducing discarded trash. Food packaging such as Frito-Lay® chip bags, Kraft Singles® cheese wrappers, Solo® plastic cups, and Scott® paper towel and napkin wrappers can all be turned into useful products at TerraCycle®. TerraCycle was founded in 2001 by Princeton University freshman, Tom Szaky, who packaged organic fertilizer in used soda bottles. Today, the company reports more than 20,000,000 people have collected almost 2,000,000 units of trash to that created 260 different products and donated more than $2,500,000,000 to charity.

Green School Supplies Can Help Planet

Now it’s that time of year again. A time for report cards, essays, dances, fieldtrips, assemblies, tuition, finals, freshmen independence, falling asleep in lectures, parties, proms, uniforms, and the list could go on and on. However, I can sum everything up in these familiar four words “Back-To-School-Time”. Back to school time is a time when students become a little smarter and for a majority of them, a time for fun with friends whom they have been separated from all summer but it’s also a time when used school supplies such as notebook paper, plastics pens, plastic markers, and three-ring binders aren’t recycled and contribute to the waste that’s filling up landfills. Even though back-to-school time is a happy and joyous time for students, it can also be a sad and sombrous time for the planet when we choose not to recycle used supplies. However, the Sobuka team strongly believes that we shouldn’t have to choose between joyous students or a sombrous planet during back-to-school-time, but in fact we can have both happy students and a clean planet when we make smarter choices when buying school supplies. Instead of buying traditional school supplies let’s all purchase eco-friendly school supplies because when we add “green” to our school supplies we help contribute to a “greener” planet. The Sobuka Team has provided a few green resources below to help you “Go Green” this school year and a be part of the Solution instead of part of the Problem.

Fayetteville Elementary students learn lesson in recycling

Manlius (WSYR-TV) – On the final day of school, students at Fayetteville Elementary learned an important lesson – one that will likely stay with them for the rest of their lives. On Thursday, the students collected a year’s worth of used juice boxes – thousands of them – and sent them off to Terracycle, a company that specializes in getting new uses from trash. At Terracycle, old juice pouches might become a messenger bag, Skittles wrappers might become a kite, or Starburst packing, a boom box. Teacher Matt Titus got the ball rolling with one class and now the entire school is participating. And the kids are aware that they’re making a difference.

Trenton-based Terracycle takes plastic bag recycling to next level with North Face retailer

TRENTON — For environmentally savvy people, the only place for a Starburst wrapper or an empty Coke bottle is in a recycling bin. The folks at Terracycle take it one step further. Terracycle is working with The North Face, a retailer of rugged outdoor apparel, to recycle the clear plastic bags used in packaging. The company just cemented a deal to recycle 2 million plastic bags a year collected from 20 North Face stores. “These bags are a huge problem in the industry, and unless there is a recycling solution, they get thrown away,” said Lauren Taylor, spokeswoman for Terracycle.

North Face partners with TerraCycle to keep packaging out of landfills

The North Face, the world’s premier supplier of authentic, innovative and technically advanced outdoor apparel, equipment and footwear, has partnered with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle to keep plastic polybags, used to protect apparel through distribution and transit, out of landfills. The North Face Polybag Brigade will divert 100 percent of the polybag packaging waste at the 20 The North Face retail stores in the United States where No. 4 plastic bags are not readily recyclable.

Save $15 off admission to Six Flags Over Texas from Kraft

One of the biggest summer attractions in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex is Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington. This park has everything from wild rides and rollercoasters to live shows and concerts. Now through August 31, 2011 visitors can save $15 off a regular admission ticket when you bring in a package from specially-marked Kraft cheese products. Six Flags has teamed up with Kraft and TerraCycle to help you save money and the environment this summer. Simply bringan empty specially-marked Kraft String Cheese package to the front gate and get a $15 discount. Although this packaging is not recyclable by the City of Fort Worth, everything...

The North Face works to recycle plastic bags

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. – The North Face®, supplier of authentic, innovative and technically advanced outdoor apparel, equipment and footwear with a local store in King of Prussia, has partnered with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle® to keep plastic polybags, used to protect apparel through distribution and transit, out of landfills. The North Face Polybag Brigade® will divert polybag packaging waste at the 20 The North Face retail stores in the United States where #4 plastic bags are not readily recyclable. “Eliminating waste at all stages of the product lifecycle is a key component of The North Face comprehensive sustainability program,” said Adam Mott, The North Face’s corporate sustainability manager. “This partnership with TerraCycle is helpful in diverting this packaging waste stream from landfills.”

TerraCycle - You Don't Have to Throw It Away

Unless you are walking around barefoot and naked, then you are creating waste. We constantly breathe, use the gases, and get rid of the waste. We eat to produce energy and then get rid of the waste. We build, manufacture, and produce to provide a better quality of living and give off the by products of our efforts as waste. Not all waste has to go to a landfill. In Nashville, we have recycling centers and some areas have curb side recycling. We (our household) try to recycle the packaging and compost the waste; but we still have items we have to throw into the trash because the recycling program does not accept them. Well, you don't have to throw it away, there is TerraCycle. TerraCycle is a recycling company that collects, reuses, manufactures, and sells recycled goods. Participants (or groups) ship recyclables to TerraCycle. They re-manufacture the resource into a new reusable product. You even accumulate recycling points that earn money to be donated to the charity of your choice. This is a win-win program. It is great for businesses, schools, parks, groups, and individuals. Get involved - you don't have to throw it away. Take a few minutes to browse through their site. They have a lot of recycling information and the specifics of how their program works.

Area company’s partnership helps recycle clothing bags

The North Face, the world’s premier supplier of authentic, innovative and technically advanced outdoor apparel, equipment and footwear, has partnered with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle to keep plastic polybags, used to protect apparel through distribution and transit, out of landfills. The North Face Polybag Brigade will divert 100 percent of the polybag packaging waste at the 20 The North Face retail stores in the United States where #4 plastic bags are not readily recyclable.


Dina förbrukade T DISCS (kapslar) och omslag kan återvinnas eller återanvändas -upcyclas- om du skickar dem till återvinningssystemet TerraCycles lokala återvinningsstation i Göteborg. På så sätt slipper miljontals T DISCS och folieförpackningar hamna på soptippen eller eldas upp. Istället gör TerraCycle om dom till nya, användbara produkter- exempelvis anteckningsblock, bärkassar och blomkrukor. Eller vad sägs om att vila benen på en parkbänk av återvunna kapslar? Dessutom skänker Tassimo 10 öre Rainforrest Alliance för varje T DISC som du skickar till TerraCycle (alla Tassimos kaffesorter är redan minst 60% Rainforrest Alliancecertifierade)