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Green School Supplies Can Help Planet

Now it’s that time of year again. A time for report cards, essays, dances, fieldtrips, assemblies, tuition, finals, freshmen independence, falling asleep in lectures, parties, proms, uniforms, and the list could go on and on. However, I can sum everything up in these familiar four words “Back-To-School-Time”. Back to school time is a time when students become a little smarter and for a majority of them, a time for fun with friends whom they have been separated from all summer but it’s also a time when used school supplies such as notebook paper, plastics pens, plastic markers, and three-ring binders aren’t recycled and contribute to the waste that’s filling up landfills. Even though back-to-school time is a happy and joyous time for students, it can also be a sad and sombrous time for the planet when we choose not to recycle used supplies. However, the Sobuka team strongly believes that we shouldn’t have to choose between joyous students or a sombrous planet during back-to-school-time, but in fact we can have both happy students and a clean planet when we make smarter choices when buying school supplies. Instead of buying traditional school supplies let’s all purchase eco-friendly school supplies because when we add “green” to our school supplies we help contribute to a “greener” planet. The Sobuka Team has provided a few green resources below to help you “Go Green” this school year and a be part of the Solution instead of part of the Problem.