Programa de reciclaje de Tang y TerraCycle

Se trata de un programa donde los consumidores pueden unirse a una “Brigada Tang”, juntando sobres y enviándolos gratuitamente por correo para ser reciclados. El material recolectado es utilizado para la fabricación de merchandising y de cestos de basura. Por cada sobre enviado, se donan $0,10 a Espacio Agua, una organización sin fines de lucro, que tiene como principal objetivo el cuidado del agua del planeta. Como alternativa, cada brigada puede optar por seleccionar otra organización sin fines de lucro o una escuela para enviar sus donaciones. Además, con los sobres recolectados, se producirán 1000 cestos de basura que Tang entregará gratuitamente a distintas escuelas públicas del país.

Mom.me: Eco-friendly lunchboxes for the back-to-school set

Those Capri Sun juice pouches your kids have been sucking down all summer long are the makings of a lunchbox. TerraCycle recycles – or upcycles, as it's come to be known – traditionally nonrecyclable waste (drink pouches, chip bags, toothbrushes and more) into a variety of consumer products. Children and youths can also start a TerraCycle Brigade to collect trash, send it in, and earn cash for their school. For every piece of packaging the company receives, the brigade will get two points, which can be used toward a charity gift or converted to money and used for a charity or the school ( www.terracycle.net ). Win-win, right?

Turn old Hurricane cups and Frito bags into upcycled products

Hey, New Orleans: instead of filling up your trash can with empty food wrappers and plastic Hurricane cups after guests leave, you can reuse the packaging yourself or send the detritus to TerraCycle. In so doing, earn some summer cash for your favorite charity and also keep trash out of landfills. A win-win. TerraCycle, a recycling and so-called upcycling company -- meaning they not only help melt old cans but also turn formerly useless products into useable stuff -- partners with brands such as Frito-Lay and Nabisco to reduce the amount of waste being tossed out. The company's goal is to eliminate "the idea of waste" by creating collection and solution systems for anything that ends up in a landfill. According to TerraCycle intern David Smith, the company has inspired New Orleans school kids to go truly green: "TerraCycle, in partnership with brands such as Lunchables and Kraft, will be working to keep waste out of the lunch room. As school is revving up and lesson plans are being laid out, TerraCycle will be working with schools in New Orleans and elsewhere to set up brigade programs and collect all the waste possible, while at the same time giving financial rewards for the hard work of these kids. In turn, they are learning about how their efforts impact the environment." Continue reading on Examiner.com Turn old Hurricane cups and Frito bags into upcycled products - New Orleans Green Living | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/green-living-in-new-orleans/turn-old-hurricane-cups-and-frito-bags-into-upcycled-products#ixzz1TyRql9PY