How is Terra Cycle making its packaging more eco-friendly??

TerraCycle offers a national program called, Brigades to collect previously non-recyclable or hard to recycle waste. While some programs have a cost, most of TerraCycle's Brigades offer free shipping as well as a donation for each piece of garbage that you collect. TerraCycle then converts the collected waste into a wide variety of products and materials. You can visit their website attached to learn more about the program.

Recycling Glue and Sticky Tape, Oh My!

One of my most recent recycling dilemmas involved glue and tape. I have two little girls who love to create what they call “masterpieces,” which usually involves paper, paint, markers, crayons, colored pencils, glue and/or tape. Unfortunately, my local recycling program does not accept empty glue sticks or tape dispensers for recycling. Recently, however, I found a company that will help me recycle my glue containers: Elmer’s Glue. The company, which began in 1947, started its recycling program for schools on Earth Day 2011.

Woodward Academy is Terracycling

Terracycle is a company that collects and "upcycles" different kinds of waste packaging and turns that waste into new consumer products. Repurposed products include pencil cases made from Oreo cookie wrappers, kites from Skittles packages, backpacks from Capri Sun drinks pouches and natural plant fertilizer made from worm excrement that is packaged in empty soda bottles. These upcycled products are available for sale in several large national chain stores including Home Depot, Walmart and Wholefoods Markets. So far, Terracycle has collected over 1.5 billion tons of waste. In Lays potato chip packets alone, over two million tons of waste has been diverted from landfills.

Your positive achievements

The Tabernacle Christian Academy recently celebrated their new playground with a neighborhood party. The playground was a gift from Old Navy and Terracycle and was awarded through a competitive grant process. The celebration included food, games, prizes and entertainment. Established in 1974, the Tabernacle Christian Academy is a K-12 Christian day school. The academy is a ministry of Tabernacle Baptist Church, and is at 155 Academy St., Poughkeepsie. For more information, call 845-454-2792 or visit tabernaclechristianonline.com.

Tassimo til glæde for familien og gæsterne

Kraft Foods og Bosch lancerer nu kapselmaskinen Tassimo. En enkel og velsmagende løsning på danskernes spirende lyst til at brygge lækre cafe-drikke hjemme i eget køkken. Lanceringen af Tassimo markerer samtid Danmarkspremiere på et helt nyt genbrugssystem for brugte kapsler og emballage. ... Kraft Foods har også tænkt på, hvad der skal ske med de brugte kapsler. Derfor er der indgået et samarbejde med der innovative genbrugssystem TerraCycle. Forbrugere kan indsamle og indsende brugte kapsler, der herefter bliver genanvendt i andre produkter. For hver kapsel som indsamles, går der desuden 10 øre til et velgørende formål, som forbrugeren selv kan vælge.

TerraCycle ayuda a que la vuelta al cole sea más divertida y ecológica.

La vuelta al cole puede ser más divertida y ecológica gracias a la campaña que ha lanzado, la compañía pionera en reciclaje TerraCycle, y BIC, el famoso fabricante de bolígrafos. TerraCycle y BIC y lanzan el primer programa de recogida y reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura en España, independiente si son o no “bolis” de la marca BIC, para ayudar a asociaciones en pro del medio ambiente.

The Grass Can Be Greener Where You Least Expect It: Green Education for All Ages

Though the tactics for reaching the audiences often needs to be different, it’s still most effective and efficient – you reach the mostpeople – when you combine audiences and catch everyone at once. The hard part, of course, is finding this middle ground. What will inspire and impact children and adults alike, without confusing one group or boring the other. At TerraCycle, we’ve found that one of the best ways to do this is to put green lessons where they’re least expected. For us, this means retailers and playgrounds. By placing bins in stores like Old Navy and by partnering with stores such as Target and Walmart, which cater to both adults and children, we can catch the attention of both groups. Many people don’t expect to see backpacks made from Capri Sun drink pouches on the shelves – drink pouches belong in the food section! These items often get an equal gasp from parents and children alike, albeit for likely differing reasons.

Smart ideas to make you look Beautiful!

2 Recycle your cosmetic packaging! All done with that shampoo bottle? Just finished a jar of face cream? Instead of simply throwing them away, help out a charity! L'Oreal Garnier and TerraCycle have partnered to create the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade. After signing up at TerraCycle.net, fill up a box of empty cosmetic bottles and jars. Print out a pre-paid shipping label, send it off and get points that go to a charity of your choice!

Gooi je pen niet weg!

Gooi je pen niet weg! Door Ronella Bleijenburg Inkt op? Gooi niet langer een leeggeschreven pen klakkeloos bij het afval, maar werk mee aan het schrijfwaren inzamelingsprogramma van TerraCycle, een bedrijf gespecialiseerd in inzameling en hergebruik van niet-recyclebaar afval. TerraCycle richt zich met de Schrijfwaren Brigade vooral op bedrijven, universiteiten en scholen, maar in principe kan iedereen meedoen. Het idee is om zelf de pennen in te zamelen en gratis op te sturen naar TerraCycle. Divers promotiemateriaal voor de inzamelingsactie is via TerraCycle te verkrijgen. In ruil voor elke ingeleverde pen (of andere schrijfwaren) maakt TerraCycle 2 eurocent over naar een goed doel naar eigen keuze. Een school kan met het geld ook een eigen educatief project financieren. TerraCycle is in zestien landen actief, zamelt meer dan zestig verschillende soorten moeilijk recyclebaar afval in en heeft verschillende Doe-het-zelf projecten uitgewerkt, speciaal voor kinderen, om te laten zien hoe creatief je soms met afval kan omgaan. Meer informatie is te vinden op www.terracycle.net Voordeel: Pennen worden gerecycled tot penhouders, prullenbakken en gieters. Nadeel: Je moet wel erg veel pennen bijeen sprokkelen om een substantieel bedrag te kunnen overmaken.