A closer look at how green schools boost school districts and inspire kids

Bethel Middle School in the Bryant (AK) School District outside of Little Rock takes soaring celings to the max, and keeps the building cool and airy. (Jackson Brown King Architects) The Bryant School District west of Little Rock, Arkansas, planted a green school, Bryant Middle School (above and below) and grew a corps of green-minded young people. The school’s green team attracted about 90 kids and they’ve made Bryant MS into a hub of recycling. Because the town does not offer curbside pick up, the 6th-8th graders undertook to provide it themselves. Each week they set up a drop off for paper, aluminum and plastic bottles outside their school, which they sort and send to a local recycler. Inside, they’re also manic about recycling, collecting snack wrappers, ink jet cartridges and other recyclables for TerraCycle, which pays them back a small sum. They also collected soda can pull tabs, which the Future Business Leaders of America collect for Ronald McDonald Houses.


Ce geste citoyen permettra aussi la récolte de fonds pour des associations à but non lucratif ou des établissements scolaires.

Pour la première fois un programme de collectes permet aux instruments d’écriture d’être recyclés en Suisse. BIC, numéro un mondial du stylo à bille, s’associe avec TerraCycle, entreprise pionnière en matière de collecte et de réutilisation de déchets non recyclables, pour organiser sur les lieux mêmes de consommation (écoles, entreprises, universités...) des collectes volontaires d’instruments d’écriture pour les recycler. Sponsorisé par BIC, ce programme permet à tous les instruments d’écriture, qu’ils soient ou non de marque BIC®, d’être recyclés en nouveaux produits d’usage courant tels des pots à crayons ou des arrosoirs. Non seulement ces instruments d’écritures usagés n’iront pas s’entasser en décharge ou dans des centres d’incinération mais en plus moins matière vierge est nécessaire pour créer de nouveaux produits : l’impact environnemental est réduit de manière significative.

Inzamelingsactie van oude pennen

Het Amerikaanse bedrijf TerraCycle organiseert geregeld inzamelingsacties van materialen die moeilijk te recyclen zijn, zoals pampers, kauwgom, chipzakjes én pennen. De komende kunnen de scholen in Goes gratis hun gebruikte pennen opsturen. Hiervoor krijgen zij twee cent per pen terug. Met het inzamelen van oude pennen kunnen scholen bijvoorneel een schoolproject financieren of een donatie aan een goed doel doen. Basisscholen en voortgezet onderwijsscholen kunnen met elkaar de strijd aangaan. Wie haalt de meeste pennen op in een jaar tijd? Op de Dag van de Duurzaamheid in 2012 wordt de winnende school bekendgemaakt. TerraCycle en pennenfabrikant BIC zullen een leuke prijs toekennen aan de scholen in Goes die het meeste pennen hebben ingezameld. Opgeven? De school kan zelf een account aanmaken op de website www.terracycle.nl en meldt zich aan voor de Schrijfwaren Brigade. De school kan via deze site een gratis verzendlabel voor de pennen aanvragen. Op de website staan ook alle spelregels. De actie wordt gesteund door pennenfabrikant BIC. TerraCycle’s European General Manager, Chris Baker: “Met de hulp en ondersteuning die BIC ons biedt, kunnen we de manier waarop de consument naar afval kijkt, veranderen. De vooruitstrevende mindset van de Nederlandse consument zal zorgen dat ons programma goed wordt ontvangen en zeer succesvol zal zijn.”

Terracycle: Combining Recycling and Technology for Kids

When TerraCycle first launched its products in major stores across the nation, the upcycled backpacks, lunchboxes and pencil cases were welcomed by parents and students alike as the perfect "Go green!" options for school year necessities. The fact that these products are all made out of recycled materials that have been donated to the company through TerraCycle's "recycling brigade" programs (common at many schools across the nation) only further adds to their appeal. In fact, with the expansion of the brigade program to include old computer accessory parts (such as computer mice), the brigades could easily see more popularity this year than ever before. However, perhaps even a more exciting addition to the TerraCycle line of recycling-related materials is their launch of the first ever upcycling-focused Facebook game. Trash Tycoon was launched by TerraCycle as part of a new way to raise both money and awareness for environmental nonprofit CarbonFund.org. In the game, participants work to build up the green factor of towns that they are in charge of. Their actions can include collecting the waste that is strewn throughout the entire town, as well as completing various recycling-related missions throughout the entire game. While playing the game, participants earn in-game money. CarbonFund.org then benefits from these in-game profits, as 10 percent of all in-game earnings are donated through TerraCycle to CarbonFund in real-life cash.

Old Navy & TerraCycle Want To Turn Your Old Flip-Flops Into Playgrounds

Help save the earth a little at a time. Here's a really easy and fun way to do just that. Old Navy stores are taking your old flip-flops and giving them to TerraCycle, who in turn recycles them into Playground sets. Here's a video about what TerraCycle does and how they re-use everyday garbage. I was just thinking about purging my old worn out ones from the summer but haven't gotten around to ditching them yet. Good thing I didn't. Now I can put them to better use!