A closer look at how green schools boost school districts and inspire kids

TerraCycle Include USA
Bethel Middle School in the Bryant (AK) School District outside of Little Rock takes soaring celings to the max, and keeps the building cool and airy. (Jackson Brown King Architects) The Bryant School District west of Little Rock, Arkansas, planted a green school, Bryant Middle School (above and below) and grew a corps of green-minded young people. The school’s green team attracted about 90 kids and they’ve made Bryant MS into a hub of recycling. Because the town does not offer curbside pick up, the 6th-8th graders undertook to provide it themselves. Each week they set up a drop off for paper, aluminum and plastic bottles outside their school, which they sort and send to a local recycler. Inside, they’re also manic about recycling, collecting snack wrappers, ink jet cartridges and other recyclables for TerraCycle, which pays them back a small sum. They also collected soda can pull tabs, which the Future Business Leaders of America collect for Ronald McDonald Houses.