Eco-Friednly Decorating: 5 Upcycle Projects to Try at Home

Nowadays, there are so many awesome ways to take ordinary items around your home and repurpose them into something brand new. As a society, we often waste so much adding to our ever increasing landfills. If you have been thinking of ways to go green, but don't know where to start, we have a few projects for you. TerraCycle is a company that dedicates itself to eliminating waste. Establishing recycling systems around the country, TerraCycle works to create new products from donated and collected waste (sounds interesting right?).

Primer envío de reciclaje

Os comunicamos que hemos hecho el primer envío de material de escritura para reciclar y hemos conseguido nuestros primeros 1000 puntos.
Los puntos se canjean por dinero. En este caso equivalen a 10€ para la ONG que nosotros elijamos o para proyectos de ONG´S  que Terracycle tiene en marcha.
En pocos días podremos efectuar otro envío y seguir acumulando puntos. Os mantendremos informados de los puntos obtenidos. ¡Ánimo! La campaña de recogida dura todo el año ¡No lo olvidéis! Para más información podéis entrar en www.terracycle.es Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración.

Graffiti class in Trenton blends style and tradition of street art

What’s in a name? Shakespeare posed the question in “Romeo and Juliet” centuries ago. Yesterday, artist Mike Carey, an instructor teaching the art of graffiti, had a 21st century answer: If you’re looking for a good name to use as your graffiti tag, the answer is originality, a little flare and not too many letters. The series of graffiti classes taught by Carey and other instructors kicked off in the headquarters for recycling company TerraCycle on New York Avenue in Trenton. “See?” Carey said after creating his tag with a few flicks of a felt-tipped pen. “This is nice and legible, you can write it quickly.” “Anybody can write their name,” artist and instructor Dave Klama said as the students furiously scribbled their own designs in their sketchbooks. “It takes a graffiti writer to write it in style.”

Albe Zakes, TerraCycle: Outsmart waste, raise millions for charities & have global impact

Albe was one of my very first guests when I started Mrs. Green. We’ve come a long way baby! The tagline on their website? Eliminate The Idea of Waste. Love it! You also know I love numbers so ponder these and plan to join us: Number of people collecting trash through partnerships with Terracyle – 26,511,927. Waste units collected: 2,262,684,595. Dollars donated to charities: $3,491,776.12. Counting the days. This show sponsored by Environmental Development Group (EDG)