Csak az ember termel hulladékot, az állatok nem - Tom Szaky-interjú

Ma van a Hulladékgyűjtő Világnak és ennek apropóján osztom meg veletek ezt a számomra nagyon kedves anyagot. Tom Szakynak, a www.terracycle.hu alapító-tulajdonosának szent meggyőződése, hogy szinte mindent újra lehetne hasznosítani, ha figyelnénk a szelektív gyűjtésre. Engem lenyűgözött ez az egész, nagyon jó lenne, ha ez a szemlélet minél szélesebb körbe elterjedne. Tessék, olvassatok interjút, gyűjtsetek szelektíven!

U.S. Dept. of Education reps visit Longfellow, Hughes schools to learn from their ‘green’ programs

Both Longfellow and Hughes work with the Salvation Army and up-cycling company Terra Cycle to further their efforts in reducing environmental impact and to collect much needed supplies for the schools. Showing an enthusiasm about the accomplishments they have made and the knowledge they have gained from taking part in the Green Team, a handful of students provided their expertise in biodiversity and ecosystems in the continuation of the tour at Hughes, which displayed 12 flourishing gardens.

SGA update: sustainability to take center stage

The environment and humanitarian efforts took center stage at last week’s Student Government Association meeting.Marist prides itself on its sustainability efforts and community service, and SGA plans to continue to develop that reputation through new initiatives and committees. One of the committee’s plans includes the formation of a TerraCycle recycling program.