En milepæl er nået på 500.000 indsamlede TASSIMO kapsler i TerraCycles indsamlingsprogram TASSIMO Brigaden. Læs artiklen på www.csr.dk
Læs om Hjulets Kvarter i Odense, som har oprettet sig som en af Danmark første lokale indsamlingspladser for TASSIMO kapsler og foliepakker. Det indsamlede skrald blive sendt til genanvendelse hos TerraCycle.
TerraCycle fejrer i disse dage, at de har nået endnu en milepæl ved at 500.000 TASSIMO kapsler og foliepakker er blevet indsamlet til materialegenanvendelse.
Die Heilsarmee sammelt nicht nur gebrauchte Kleidung für ihren Charity-Shop "Zweite Chance", sondern auch alte Zahnbürsten, leere Zahnpastatuben und Zahnseidedosen sowie Plastikverpackungen von Zahnpflegeprodukten. Denn durch eine Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen TerraCycle erhält die Heilsarmee für dieses Recyclingmaterial einen Geldbetrag, der von der gesammelten Menge abhängig ist.
The environmental movement has long stressed the importance of personal responsibility. What we do as individuals might seem trivial when set against the huge complex systems that regulate the earth. But if enough individuals change their habits, it can make a difference. And so we do what we can: turn down our thermostats, install insulation, reduce our consumption of meat, bicycle to work. And we also separate our waste in order to participate in municipal recycling.
Through one of TerraCycle’s free Brigade programs, the department has collected more than 1,300 pounds of bags, diverting a huge chunk of waste from local ecosystems and landfills. It even generates points for each unit of waste sent to TerraCycle, which are being turned into cash donations to local schools around Oregon.
The Ruidoso News, through its offices at 104 Park Avenue, will provide collection receptacles to staff and clients. The list of products that can be put to good use through Coyote Howling's Terracycle program is large
The Ruidoso News is launching a company-wide recycle campaign. Even though the newspaper's parent has an existing corporate mandate that recycles all newsprint products, General Manager Marianne Mohr is initiating a broader initiative to support the TerraCycle "Brigades" sponsored by Coyote Howling