Win a Free Entenmann’s Little Bites. Simply fill out the form for your chance to win this freebie. They are giving away over 300 prizes until April 30. Grand prize winner will receive $5,000 via check. Good luck!
The Alpine Montessori School and Brewster County Twin Peaks 4-H Club are collecting items and sending them to TerraCycle to be repurposed into new products.
The school is participating in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups sponsored by Capri Sun and TerraCycle. To mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program six years ago
Companies can capitalize on kids’ recycling savvy by providing lesson plans or partnering with environmental nonprofits to engage kids, such as Capri Sun’s partnership with TerraCycle.
“maga a tény, hogy egy ilyen programra pénzt, időt és energiát szánnak, már jelzi a gondolkodásbeli változást”
Ella’s Kitchen has partnered with TerraCycle to create the Baby Food Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for baby food pouches and caps. Parents can find out more about how to recycle [their pouches] with Terracycle at
In previous years, the program had students save their Capri Sun containers to send to TerraCycle, which turned the containers into colorful wallets and sent the school money in return, which they saved up to use to protect a turtle nest in El Salvador.
A legmenőbb startupnak választott TerraCycle szemetet hasznosít újra, de úgy, ahogy még senki. A multicég vezetője egy magyar származású srác, Tom Szaky, aki sok mindent másképp gondol, mint a többség.