I’m happy to announce that Little Bites and TerraCycle have partnered this Earth Day to spread awareness!! I received the CUTEST reusable bag made entirely out of Little Bites packaging.
Entenmann’s Bakery and TerraCycle are launching the first-ever Little Bites “Recycle…Reuse…Replenish” Fully Recyclable Lunch Earth Day awareness campaign and sweepstakes.
UMass, the current clothing drive run by Isenberg, and NetImpact’s drive of energy, power and granola bar wrappers in conjunction with TerraCycle, a company that focuses on the recycling of formerly non-recyclable or difficult-to-recycle waste.
Sign up at Terracycle.com to earn cash for your school or organization by sending used foil drink pouches to be used to make fashion products like pencil cases, purses and totes.
Take a look at the products you are already using and really read those ingredients and then consider switching to a natural brand like Tom’s of Maine Whole Care toothpaste. It has no dyes, no artificial sweeteners and no bleaching chemicals.
TerraCycle es conocida por la recolección de materiales que no pueden ser reciclados a través de programas de reciclaje tradicionales (como bolsas de patatas, filtros de agua y colillas de cigarrillos) y convertirlos en productos innovadores. Ahora, con el lanzamiento de su programa Contenedor de Residuos Cero, la compañía con sede en Nueva Jersey quiere que sea más fácil para las empresas reducir drásticamente su flujo de residuos
La troisième collecte réalisée par les CMJ concerne de vieux instruments d’écriture, en lien avec Terracycle, qui a permis de reverser 180 € à l’association L’enfant@l’hôpital. Une nouvelle collecte va être organisée avec des cartouches d’encre pour le compte de l’école Léon-Blum et au profit d’Enfance et Partage.
Students from Park View Elementary were so excited to receive a new picnic table made with recycled Ebtenmann's Little Bites pouches during Earth Month assembly
The school is a participant in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program created by Capri Sun and recycling company TerraCycle that rewards member organizations for collecting drink pouches.