“Human Resources” (formerly “TerraCycle”) Premieres: August 8 at 10:30 PM. Documenting the non-stop and deadline-driven world of an innovative New Jersey-based company once touted as the “coolest little start-up in America,” “Human Resources” is a half-hour, comedy about an eccentric entrepreneur, Tom Szaky, and his team of employees at TerraCycle, a company whose mission is to eliminate waste on a global scale.
“Human Resources” is a half-hour, comedy about an eccentric entrepreneur, Tom Szaky, and his team of employees at TerraCycle, a company whose mission is to eliminate waste on a global scale.
"Human Resources" (formerly "TerraCycle")
Premieres: August 8 at 10:30 PM
Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL), in collaboration with TerraCycle, has launched new “oral care brigades” in Switzerland and Germany. More than 160,000 customers in 1,100 brigades are involved in a collection of oral care packaging so that the same can be recycled into new and affordable environment friendly products.
Bliv inspireret af TerraCycles påske gør-det-selv. Den kan ses her på Bettina Holsts blog og TerraCycles hjemmeside her: http://www.terracycle.dk/da/pages/gor-det-selv-projekter.html
God fornøjelse!
Do not include drink "pouches" with your bottles and cans; drink pouches can be recycled through Terracycle.
I forbindelse med at TerraCycles indsamlingsprogram TASSIMO Brigaden har rundet 500.000 indsamlede varmdrikskapsler, skriver Rethink Business om indsamlingsprogrammet på deres hjemmeside, så endnu flere har mulighed for at deltage i et af TerraCycles indsamlingsprogrammer og gøre en forskel for miljøet.
Egyik nap szóltak, hogy menjek le a postázóba, csomagom érkezett. Meglepődtem, leballagtam és a papírzacskóban találtam egy jó adag szemetet. Ipari hulladékot. Eléggé bosszankodtam, mert fogalmam sem volt, mi a frászkarikát csináljak vele. A Föld napján mindig kijelentjük, milyen fontos a környezetvédelem, de miért megy ez át olyan nehezen a gyakorlatba?