TerraCycle is launching a new campaign with Old Navy next week called the Flip Flop Replay just in time for Earth Day. From April 22 through May 21 you can drop off used flip flops at any Old Navy store in the U.S. Then TerraCycle will recycle the flip flops into four public playgrounds at different locations around the country, marking the first large-scale effort to collect and recycle flip flops. TerraCycle has led the recycling charge with several
successful programs in the past including recycling Stoneyfield yogurt containers into toothbrushes, razors and more. Beyond flip flop recycling, you can join in on one of TerraCycle’s other “
Bridgades” by sending in wrappers, corks, containers, electronics and more.
From flip flops to playground? Yes! In honor of Earth Day, TerraCycle and Old Navy have partnered together in the Flip Flop Replay, which runs from April 22 – May 21, 2011. Now you can Reflip, Reflop, and Recycle for a fantastic initiative this Earth Day!TerraCycle and Old Navy aim is to collect used flip flops and recycle them into four public playgrounds around the country. The public can stop in any Old Navy store in the U.S. to deposit used flip-flops in designated collection bins. This is the first time a nationwide retailer has initiated a large-scale effort to collect and recycle flip-flops. Where are you headed this Earth Day? Get the whole family involved by making the trip together to Old Navy to recycle last summer’s flip flops!
About TerraCycle
TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle (
www.terracycle.net) is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with over 30 major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new eco-friendly materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay schools and non-profits for every piece of waste they collect and return. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visit us at
Tang potencia su nueva campaña por el medio ambiente con una propuesta directamente dirigida a los chicos. Para invitar a los más pequeños a aportar sus ideas para cuidar el planeta, Tang se acerca a la salida de los colegios y clubes con su divertido Taller Móvil, en donde los chicos pueden contar libremente qué se les ocurre hacer por el medio ambiente. Allí comparten sus ideas, guiados por un amigable actor en el rol de científico; que los ayuda a contar su propuesta.
Obviamente, toda la actividad está acompañada por el staff Tang; que en su recorrida por las escuelas de Capital y Gran Buenos Aires y entidades deportivas, entrega información relacionada con la temática, además de regalos sorpresa hechos con material reciclado y producto para disfrutar.
También podés participar subiendo tu video en
http://www.clubtang.com.ar.Los 3 videos más votados, reciben una bicicleta chopera de Tang y si resultás ganador entre todos los participantes por haber realizado la propuesta más original y creativa, Tang te premia con la concreción de tu idea.
Además el staff de Tang continúa con su campaña de reciclaje, incentivando a los chicos a que formen brigadas para la recolección de sobres. Los mismos se reciclarán y por cada sobre enviado, Terracycle, con el auspicio de Tang, donará 10 centavos a una ONG que cuida el agua o la organización que la brigada elija.
Además el staff de TANG continúa con su campaña de reciclaje, incentivando a los chicos a que formen brigadas para la recolección de sobres. Los mismos se reciclarán y por cada sobre enviado, Terracycle, con el auspicio de TANG, donará 10 centavos a una ONG que cuida el agua o la organización que la brigada elija.
Volvete protagonista para cuidar el medio ambiente!.
BIC, producent av kulspetspennor startar idag ett samarbete med TerraCycle, som går ut på att möjliggöra insamling av förbrukade pennor. Skolor, kontor och företag kan nu samla in sina förbrukade pennor som sedan kommer att återvinnas och åter komma till nytta.
A great article that the Hungarian business magazine Figyelo ran on TerraCycle and our CEO Tom Szaky.
Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott tissue and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren’t recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.
Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott tissue and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren’t recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.
Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott tissue and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren’t recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.
Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott tissue and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren’t recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes.