Posts with term TerraCycle X

Siple is a top collector in recycling program

Students at Siple Elementary School are among the top collectors of snack bags in The Hain Celestial Group Snack Bag Brigade, a free, national recycling program created by The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. and TerraCycle. By collecting used snack bags from foods such as The Hain Celestial Group’s Garden of Eatin’ snacks, Terra chips or any other brand, the students have helped to divert more than 21,000 units of snack bag waste from landfills, while also earning money for their school or charity of choice.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Breakfast

Calling breakfast the most important meal of the day is no exaggeration. In addition to nutrition, a growing number of consumers are finding that there are other aspects of breakfast that are important. For them, making the most of breakfast includes watching how they spend their money and not wasting anything they buy. To help, here are some tips on how to get the most out of your breakfast—and your money.

Tom Szaky

TerraCycle has been so successful in its innovation that it has now become the subject of a reality TV show, 'Human Resources' depicting what goes on behind-the-scenes of a young, socially responsible "green" company. The show is designed to share the TerraCycle vision to eliminate waste.

Collecter des stylos usagés pour appréhender la question environnementale

E n 2012, l’Association des parents d’élèves (APEL) du collège mendois Saint-Privat adhérait à un programme écocitoyen porté par l’entreprise américaine Terracycle. Celle-ci, fondée au début du siècle et implantée dans une vingtaine de pays, propose de transformer les déchets habituellement non-recyclables, qui sont d’abord collectés puis traités par tout un réseau de partenaires.

Recycling the unrecyclable

TERRACYCLE is calling on local community centres, schools and businesses to register, for free, as a collection point for ‘unrecyclable’ items and raise money for non-profit groups. These items can then be recycled into sustainable items or materials and, with 21.3million tones of waste sent to landfill each year, it is an opportunity for local residents and groups to send their waste to a public collection point. The unrecyclable items include toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, cleaning and beauty product pumps, triggers and wipes, cigarette waste and coffee capsules. These items are currently being diverted from landfill. General Manager of TerraCycle Australia, Anna Minns said everyone should think about getting involved. “National Recycling Week and the Christmas period is the perfect time to learn more about recycling and how to get involved in your local community,” she said. “TerraCycle believes anything can and should be recycled and we have developed solutions for waste that are deemed unsavoury or difficult to recycle, such as cigarette butts. “Since TerraCycle’s launch in March on Clean Up Australia Day we have collected more than three million cigarette butts as well as other unrecyclable waste. “We’ve saved this from landfill, thanks mainly to local litter groups, workplaces, community centres and households.” Interested groups are encouraged to register on the TerraCycle website as donations will be given towards a local group or cause. For every piece of waste collected and dropped off at your local collection point two cents goes towards a great local cause or non profit. To register as a collection point, go to www.terracycle.com.au.

L'AIPE recycle les instruments d'écriture

L'AIPE, Association indépendante des parents d'élèves, se mobilise pour recycler les instruments d'écriture (stylos, crayons...). L'opération se déroule en partenariat avec Terracycle. « Les objets sont collectés dans des boîtes en carton, mises à disposition dans les écoles et lieux publics. Tous les six mois, nous effectuerons un envoi qui nous permettra de récupérer un à deux centimes d'euros par objet recyclé. Les sommes perçues aideront au financement des projets des écoles publiques », indique Céline Fort, présidente de l'association.