Posts with term TerraCycle X

Recycling honor

Students at Salisbury Christian School are among the top collectors of snack bags in The Hain Celestial Group Snack Bag Brigade®, a free, national recycling program. By collecting used snack bags, the school has helped to divert more than 9,800 units of snack bag waste from landfills, while also earning money for their school or charity of choice.

Pyrénées. Altiservice se dit prêt à gérer de nouvelles stations

L’hiver dernier, les quatre domaines skiables pyrénéens gérés par Altiservice avaient fait une rentrée durable en utilisant dès le 1er novembre 2013 une électricité d’origine 100% renouvelable pour l’ensemble de leurs équipements. Cette saison, l’exploitant de Saint-Lary, Font-Romeu, Guzet et Artouste, stations certifiées Iso 14001, intensifie sa démarche environnementale en généralisant les huiles bio pour toutes les dameuses et le tri sélectif. La filiale de GDF-Suez lance aussi, avec Terracycle, des points de collecte de mégots de cigarettes sur les pistes pour les valoriser en matière plastique.

MU student receives Campus Sustainability Champion Award

Each year, the Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC) recognizes universities across Pennsylvania with the Campus Sustainability Champion (CSC) Award. This year, Millersville’s own Stephanie Bradley, a junior majoring in social work, has been recognized with the award that was announced at the PERC 2014 Fall Conference, held Nov. 12 at Penn State University’s University Park campus in State College.

Terracycle Gifts Review!

Most of us try to recycle when we can, but I recently read an article that stated as much as half of what we put in our recycle bins never gets recycled.  Then there are things that can be used again that we throw away all the time:  clothing, wrappers, bags and so many other things that you can’t even imagine.

Committee on Sustainability announces Green Fee awards

William & Mary’s Committee on Sustainability has awarded funding to 19 sustainability projects for the fall 2014 semester. Solo Cup Recycling: Number six plastic cups, including but not limited to Solo cups, are not recyclable on William & Mary’s campus. This project is an initiative to collect these kinds of plastic cups on a weekly basis from fraternity houses and recycle them with a company called Terracycle, drastically reducing the amount of potentially recyclable waste that goes to the landfill.