Posts with term TerraCycle X

Oakville's Sheridan Public School new drop-off for air care packaging

People can help Sheridan Public School by recycling waste from products used to clean or freshen their home or air. The local public elementary school is a new recycling drop-off point for all air and home care packaging, which will be delivered regularly to recycling company TerraCycle Canada. This type of waste includes: used plastic air fresheners and plug-in refills; trigger heads, pumps and caps; and flexible, home-cleaning wipe packs of any brand.

Recyclingwettbewerb: Alte Stifte gegen Sitzgelegenheit in der Sonne tauschen

Jetzt rufen TerraCycle und BiC dazu auf, zwischen dem 1. März und 31. Mai möglichst viele alte Plastikstifte und Korrekturmittel zum Recycling einzusenden. Den Gewinnern winkt passend zum Frühlingserwachen eine Sitzgruppe aus recyceltem Material von Westfalia Spielgeräte: Der ersten Frühlingssonne im Garten, Schulhof oder auf der Unternehmensterrasse steht somit nichts mehr im Wege.

Turning old mail into garden furniture

Australia Post announced this week a national recycling program for used plastic mail satchels that will hopefully reduce the amount of satchels reaching landfill. The national postal service provider says the free program will see used satchels sent on to waste solutions company TerraCycle for processing into items like esky liners and plastic garden furniture.
Now the program is underway, consumers can box up old satchels, download a label from the TerraCycle website, and drop them into any Australia Post outlet

D’Addario announces "Playback" - the first ever instrument string recycling program in partnership with Terracycle

D’Addario, the world’s largest maker of instrument strings and accessories, has been a pioneer in sustainability for decades – from environmentally responsible packaging to robust tree re-planting programs. The company is taking its environmental commitment even further in 2016 with the unveiling of Playback, the world’s first-ever industry-wide instrument string recycling program.

Are Americans willing to pay for zero waste packaging?

At my company, TerraCycle, we’re always asking ourselves what the next recycling innovation we can bring to consumers might be. Our first answer came in the form of free consumer-facing collection and recycling programs (sponsored by major brands and consumer packaged goods companies) for pre- and post-consumer packaging waste streams. While this free model has seen a lot of success, our capacity to collect and recycle is limited by the funding we are able to secure from our sponsors. To solve for this economic gap and engage with even more consumers, we began asking ourselves a new question: Are consumers willing to pay a premium for zero waste packaging solutions?