Posts with term TerraCycle X

10 choses à savoir jeudi

Cette entreprise de Toronto peut tout recycler, même les produits non-recyclables. Les capsules Nespresso? Ça se recycle. Ces mégots de cigarette jetés à la poubelle composés de papier, de tabac, de cendre et de plastique? Pas facile, mais c’est aussi recyclable, selon TerraCycle, une filiale d’une entreprise du New Jersey établie à Toronto, et dont l’objectif est de convaincre toutes les villes du pays qu’il est possible de tout récupérer. C’est toujours mieux que de remplir les dépotoirs, explique Jessica Panetta, directrice du marketing pour TerraCycle au Canada.

5 Rules for Staying In Charge of Your Inbox

Guest Writer: Tom Szaky, Founder and CEO of TerraCycle- I am inundated with emails. I get hundreds a day, and make sure there's resolution to each and every one. With the influx of messages, I could easily spend the near-entirety of every day replying, in conversation, typing. However, I have a business to run, and being in the business of eliminating the idea of waste, I need every ounce of the time and energy I have.

L’Occitaine in partnership with TerraCycle launches post-consumer packaging recycling program

International recycler TerraCycle is partnering with L'Occitane en Provence, a prestige beauty company offering products for high-quality skincare, body care, and fragrance, providing consumers with a free way to recycle all brands of beauty and skin care packaging. Through the L'Occitane Recycling Program, in partnership with TerraCycle, consumers can now drop off all brands of empty personal care and cosmetics packaging at participating L'Occitane full-price retail locations across the US to divert these items from landfills and receive a 10% discount towards one full-size product purchased that same day.

How to recycle the 'unrecyclable,' from cigarette butts to squeeze pouches

Some recycling programs facilitated by private companies — including the manufacturers of products that aren't easily recyclable — are filling the gap in order to divert some of that waste away from the landfill... "Everything technically has a recycling solution," said Jessica Panetta, marketing manager for the Canadian branch for the New Jersey-based TerraCycle.

L’Occitane to Recycle Empties from All Cosmetic Brands

Wondering what to do with your empty packages once you’ve used up your skincare, body and fragrance products? Luxury brand L’Occitane en Provence is providing consumers with a free way to recycle all brands of beauty and skin care packaging—and keep it out of landfills. Through the L’Occitane Recycling Program, in partnership with international recycling company TerraCycle, consumers can now drop off all brands of empty personal care and cosmetics packaging at participating L’Occitane full-price retail locations across the U.S. to divert these items from landfills and receive a 10% discount towards one full-size product purchased that same day.

5 choses que vous ne recyclez pas mais vous devriez recycler

Le papier, le plastique et le verre sont faciles à jeter dans le bac de recyclage. Beaucoup de choses qui circulent dans nos vies ne sont pas aussi faciles à gérer. Saviez-vous que l’EPA estime que 75 % des déchets solides sont recyclables, mais que seulement 30 % environ sont recyclés ? Voici quelques articles ménagers de tous les jours que vous ne savez peut-être pas que vous pouvez recycler – et comment vous en débarrasser correctement.