Posts with term TerraCycle X

Ellen Degeneres Puts on Her Tech Pajama Jeans

The game is part of Sojo Studio’s mission to effect positive change in the real world using gaming, according to the statement released. The idea of using gaming for positive change isn't a new one. Zynga has donated millions of dollars through Zynga.org, and Trash Tycoon allows users to exchange points they earn in the game to impact real-world green initiatives, and by performing tasks in the real world, to earn points in the game.

Chad Rea – Chief Catalyst/Curator at ecopop

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I’m fascinated by waste. TerraCycle is one of those innovative companies that has figured out a way to reuse waste and turn it into a profitable business by changing the way people think about and handle their trash. ecopop spent months trying to figure out how to make products out of shredded office paper. An industrial designer and I played around with various eco-epoxies and pulp molds to make everything from paperweights and bookends to garden gnomes and decorative plates. We ended up pulling the plug after our 90-day proof of concept phase, but I still think there’s a viable business idea there for anyone who wants to develop this idea or invent products made from waste.

Gifts for the Student

Backpack and Notebook by TerraCycle (SEE LINK FOR PHOTO) This smile-inspiring bag and matching notebook are perfect for the student who is young or young-at-heart. Made with wrappers from common lunchroom snacks, like Capri Sun pouches and potato chip bags, these upcycled school essentials will make the classroom fun again. Price: $21.99

Gifts for the Traveler

“Chip Tote” by TerraCycle [SEE LINK FOR PHOTO] Add a little whimsey to all your journeys with this tote made from recycled Lays potato chip bags. This funky tote will bring a smile to any traveler’s face, and it’s perfect for stowing carry-on essentials. Price: $12.99

TerraCycle Offers Spas Free Recycling Program

A busy day at a salon can result in bags of non-recyclable garbage from a full day of haircuts, coloring, nail services and spa procedures. Becoming more environmentally-friendly is on the minds of many spa and salon owners as they rethink what they throw away and how they operate. TerraCycle offers a free recycling program called the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade to help salons and spas move toward more eco-friendly waste management practices. With the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade program, difficult-to-recycle packaging such as hair color tubes (including aluminum tubes), hair care product containers, skin cream tubes, cosmetics packaging and any other plastics or tubes can now be recycled—regardless of brand. TerraCycle, in partnership with Garnier, awards two points for each package received, which can be put toward buying a charity gift or converted to money and given to a charity. Collected packaging is turned into plastic items such as park benches, recycling bins and plastic lumber.

TerraCycle. Outsmart waste.

TerraCycle, based in Trenton, NJ, is a for-profit company that upcycles and recycles traditionally non-recyclable waste – into creative consumer products. Even in a city like Cambridge that has a very progressive recycling program (yay for recycling coffee cups and pizza boxes!), there are so many products that are not recycled – and that could be diverted from landfills with TerraCycle’s programs.  Like candy wrappers, chip bags, corks, cookie packaging, and the list goes on….

SN Whole Health: Green Laundry Products Gain Share

Green laundry products are tough on stains and gaining share against the competition FRESH LOOKS What consumers are most excited about, it turns out, is ditching the bottle entirely. Maria Brous, spokeswoman for Lakeland, Florida-based Publix Super Markets, said the popularity of mono dose detergent tablets like Dropps is the most notable trend in stores. The mono dose concept certainly isn't new, but manufacturers believe now's the right time because the tablets are concentrated, convenient and eco-friendly. Dropps recently partnered with Terracycle to allow consumers to mail in their used cases for recycling.

La basura es un hit

Una de las acciones que más me molestan es ver que alguien tira la basura de sus rancheritos (o cualquier basura) en la calle, cuando eso sucede, me dan ganas de levantar  la envoltura, hacerla rollito y…. bueno, para no ser tan explícita, basta aclarar que nacen en mi deseos no muy buena onda para hacer reflexionar al cochino en cuestión; de cualquier forma sé que la agresión no es la solución por lo que sólo me limito a recoger la basura, lo bonito es que ya descubrí qué es lo que puedo hacer con esos residuos!!! TerraCycle es una empresa que me ha enamorado totalmente, su historia está bien bonita… Todo lo empezó un chingón adolescente llamado Tom Szaky, quien comenzó  alimentando  a unos gusanitos rojos con deshechos orgánicos y de paso hacía un fertilizante para plantas. Tom buscaba ayudar a la mejora del medio ambiente pero logró mucho más de lo que seguramente imaginaba, abandonó sus sueños universitarios para dedicarse de tiempo completo a su nueva empresita sustentable, poco tiempo después sus oficinas ya habían sido intervenidas por artistas urbanos, Tom ya había obtenido fama y  la basura ya estaba siendo patrocinada por grandes empresas. En 2010 llegó directo de gringolandia TerraCycle México, ubicada en Monterrey. La verdad es que tienen ideas bien guapas que tienen que ver y si quieren también podrían apoyarlas enviandoles su basura, porque ellos la convertirán en todo un hit.

Local School Trades Trash for Cash

Ohlone Elementary School's recycling program is raising funds for school needs. Bags of chips, candy wrappers, tubs of butter…there’s very little that won’t earn a buck at Ohlone Elementary School these days. The school’s growing TerraCycle program allows these items and more to be recycled to earn funds that will be allocated by the school’s Parent-Teacher Association to finance classroom necessities. So far, the school has raised about $240. “Once we get our collection bins set up and volunteers organized, we plan on holding a big recycling drive to get the Ohlone community excited,” said PTA treasurer Catherine de Leon. “At some point, we hope to get the rest of the Hercules community involved as well.”