Posts with term TerraCycle X

Dutton Christian School Students Recycle Toothbrushes to Raise Money

GAINES TOWNSHIP — Fifth-grader Kyle Dronkers kept a straight face while talking about recycling used toothbrushes to help the planet and raise money for Dutton Christian School. “Well, I wouldn’t recommend using them,” deadpanned Kyle, 10, as he flashed a toothy grin. But the grungy brushes will become eco-friendly products after they are shipped to Terracycle, a New Jersey-based company known for tackling previously un-recycled or hard-to-recycle waste. The Dutton students were recognized as being among TerraCycle’s top toothbrush and toothpaste-tube collectors for bringing in 1,800 items for the Colgate Oral Care Brigade.

Recycling program handles cleanroom garments

Kimberly-Clark Professional, in partnership with TerraCycle, now offers a cleanroom-garment recycling program. This is the first large-scale, business-to-business recycling program for nontraditional cleanroom waste streams, including coveralls, hoods, boot covers, hair nets, and masks. Customers who sign up will receive a recycling bundle with all materials needed to implement the program. TerraCycle will collect, convert, and resell all waste materials as either bulk plastics or eco-friendly consumer products; a bar code system will allow Kimberly-Clark Professional to track waste reduction and report that information back to the client.

Replace Toxic Plastic Bags With Fashionable Reusable Bags

Schools process lots of waste matter that’s carelessly disposed when it may very well be recycled. A wonderful recycling technique named TerraCycle has brought about a big improvement in the recycling routines of schools in the United States. This program takes the lead to gather food packaging goods that are difficult to recycle and also pays schools for their results. Based on a MichigansThumb.com report, the system awards points to schools based on the volume of recyclable goods provided to TerraCycle. The arrival of single-serve foods has elevated the degree of disposable waste and added to an increasing pile of unsafe waste products in landfills.

Westover woman shares passion for recycling

Nicole Patrick has a passion for recycling that she's not afraid to share with others. The Westover resident is a brigade administrator for several TerraCycle projects and recently brought Pepsi and Waste Management's Dream Machine Project to Purchase Line North Elementary School. TerraCycle, Patrick explained, is a national organization that offers programs called brigades that allow individuals or groups to send in waste to be recycled. Its goal, she said, is to eliminate the idea of waste by creating a recycling system for anything that must be sent to a landfill.

Sustentabilidade infantil: como marcas veem os consumidores do futuro

Com o Esquadrão Verde, a Tang também realiza ações virtualmente e na vida real. Para participar do projeto, realizado em parceria com a Terracycle, as crianças devem se cadastrar no site, que abriga jogos. A marca propõe algumas ações para os internautas realizarem em casa, como um filme mostrando como fazer fantasias com materiais reciclados e pedindo para os participantes postarem fotos e vídeos provando que realizaram a iniciativa.

Ella's Kitchen - Joshuas favorit

Det med Ella´s kitchen, Joshuas absoluta favoritmellanmål är en smoothie från Ella´s kitchen, himla smidig förpackning också. Han suger i sig innehållet som ur en nappflaska och skulle han mot all förmodan inte äta upp allt är det bara att skruva igen korken och ta resten senare. Den godaste av dem alla, enligt Joshua, är den med jordgubbar och äpple, banan och periska tror att det var...vi brukar ha den till risgröt eller gröt som sylt. Han tycker det var jättegod! Jag har provsmakat och Joshua har rätt - den är jättegod! :). Så idag jag har fått rabattkuponger till Ella´s kitchen så jag tänker börja "samla" förpackningar så jag kan ta med den hem till Danmark, i Danmark finns inte sådana :( eller har jag missat det!?

Upcycle é opção criativa para dar solução a embalagens feitas com BOPP

A reciclagem do tipo de plástico BOPP, apesar de possível, é muito pouco difundida no Brasil devido à baixa rentabilidade do processo, pelo menos atualmente. Mas então, o que fazer com esse tipo de pacote? Bom, você pode ajudar a produzir bolsas, cadernos, caixas de som, baldes plásticos, entre outros, com as suas embalagens usadas de biscoitos e salgadinhos, e ainda auxiliar instituições de caridade da sua escolha. E por incrível que pareça, não é preciso muito esforço para fazer tudo isso. Basta você formar uma brigada e se cadastrar no site da Terracycle