Posts with term TerraCycle X

Sustainability: It Will Change Your Business...If It Hasn't Already

Do you have a sustainability officer yet? You might need one. It’s probably even more likely that your customers will have one, and you will have to pay attention to them if you want to continue to supply them with plastic parts or products. Within the last few years, the position of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) has appeared at a wide range of companies, from big-box retailers and brand owners to smaller privately owned suppliers of film and bottles. And this is no passing fancy. These executive appointments suggest that the greening of America will continue to influence the way plastics processors do business in the future.

The most wasteful time of the year

The amount of waste generated by U.S. consumers leaps by 25% around the holidays, bumping our yearly output of garbage up from 199.9 million pounds to 249.9 million, based on calculations from the EPA’s 2010 measurements. A whopping one fifth of our annual trash load is produced during the holidays, making this not only the most wonderful time of the year, but also the most wasteful.With people buying more products in more packaging every day, fiscally, this is a bonanza–a gold mine, really.

Proteja sua pele e o seu planeta

Pensando nisto, a Coppertone, em parceria com a TerraCycle, lançou o programa “Protetores do Planeta”, um movimento  que consiste em convidar os consumidores a dar um destino correto para as embalagens de protetores solares. A ideia é recolher o maior número possível de embalagens vazias de protetor solar de qualquer marca e transformá-las em um novo produto e ainda reverter este ato em ajuda para instituições sociais.